The other day, Lion was telling me I need to stay more focused on things. He says I’m addicted to Facebook. When I have my nose buried in my iPad, I’m either playing games, or, yes, I’m on Facebook. But while I’m on Facebook, I’m usually watching animal videos, playing games, or reading interesting articles, like the one I found last night about Alzheimer’s disease. He often “reminds” me that not everything on Facebook is true. Duh! When I find something interesting, I see if I can verify it, especially if it’s something that he said/she said. Other times I’ll say, “I don’t know how true it is, but I saw on Facebook….”

One of my chuckles on any given day is when Lion launches into one of his know-it-all tirades only for me to tell him that I read it from a reputable source. I’m not an idiot, despite his best efforts to say I am. And that brings me to my next point. He’s been a know-it-all a lot lately.

In just one example, Lion has been working very hard to get T-Mobile set up with a static IP address. What does that mean? The address won’t change unless T-Mobile loses its little mind. I didn’t think the other one lost its mind unless the service went out either, but what do I know. Anyway, we had Hulu set to receive the New York stations. The new IP address is from Philadelphia. This morning’s Today Show had news from Philadelphia on the crawl on the bottom of the screen. Lion said it didn’t matter where the IP address was, Hulu was set to New York. Then why was the crawl from Philadelphia? He said it couldn’t have been. Okie dokie. I know what I saw, but I must have been wrong.

{Lion — A static IP address means that no matter what, we keep the same one. That’s important because we like the NY Giants, and can only get their games if we get NY stations. I don’t know why there was a story about Philadelphia on the “Today Show” crawl. I do know we recorded WNBC in New York, because just before the “Today Show,” I saw the end of the “News In New York” local news show. I have to give Hulu our IP address so they can give us NY stations even though our IP address is from somewhere else.]

The whole set up of the internet flies in the face of his telling me to be more focused. How can I focus on my work when I’m unplugging this and replugging that? I know the answer. It was important to him. He gets to interrupt me, but gets mad if I interrupt him. If I try not to interrupt and just stand nearby, he tells me I’m rushing him. Can’t win.

I’ve been trying to make up time for work and anticipate what time I’ll need to make up next week and the week after. We’re going on vacation for a few days, and he has doctor appointments and surgery. Everything happens at once. I get frazzled by all of it so I haven’t been in the best of moods.

I went to the doctor on Friday to manage some prescriptions and I asked for an increase in my anxiety meds. I listed all the things going on and the doctor agreed with the increased dose immediately. She says I’m dealing with a lot. Duh! When I told Lion I was increasing the dosage, he said that’s why I don’t have a libido. Maybe. I did try going off the medication for a while to see if my libido would come back. It didn’t. And I was miserable. I’d much rather have no libido than being frazzled all the time.

Since I’ve been overwhelmed, I haven’t been paying much attention to Lion. Despite not thinking he’s a child, he does require quite a bit of attention. Terrible twos? Try terrible mumbledy-something. He wanted to snuggle last night so I got close to him, but not all the way. One of the changes in drugs may be messing with my stomach. I didn’t feel sick last night, but it still doesn’t feel quite right. It’ll take a while for things to calm down. Does that mean we won’t snuggle until it does? Once I’m sure I won’t be barfing, I’ll snuggle. Maybe tonight.

I am, however, going to be paying more attention to his interrupting and being a know-it-all. I may not spank him every time, but I’ll growl. If I’m frazzled and in a bad mood, he might get more growls. He wants me to be in charge, right?


Lion is correct. I don’t communicate well. I don’t take charge. I don’t make decisions. I don’t do things he wants to do or, more correctly, things he wants me to do to him. In some respects, it’s a two-way issue. I don’t think he’s as communicative as he could be. As you know, we come from different backgrounds and, on paper, it doesn’t make any sense why we’re together. He likes crème brûlée. I like Twinkies. Well, no not Twinkies. I like most of the chocolate snack cakes. He likes opera. I like rock. It’s not that he doesn’t like rock, but he’s less tolerant of the rock I like.

When it comes to making decisions, there are several issues. Sometimes, when I decide, he’ll say it’s a bad idea. There have been times he’s said X was the worst idea he’s ever heard. Not often, mind you. But often enough. You can imagine how much that makes me want to decide or come up with an idea.

My son went into the army primarily to make sure he could support his daughter. Of course, I was afraid, but I was also proud of him for being responsible. Lion thought it was a terrible idea and let me know every chance I said anything “son” related. I stopped mentioning my son. I didn’t want to hear how stupid he was. The economy tanked not long after he enlisted, and he probably would have been out of a job. Lion still thought the army was a stupid idea. Now, my son is a physician’s assistant, thanks to the army. Lion says he’s proud of him, but his earlier statements still sting. [Lion — Mrs. Lion is younger than me and I have unpleasant memories of how our military cost thousands of American lives in wars that had no value at all. I didn’t want my stepson to be part of that machine. The army has changed. Now, it’s more like a career choice. He made excellent use of the benefits. He went in, barely graduating from high school, and was on his way to serious trouble. Now he has a master’s degree and is a commissioned officer. I am very proud of him and my feelings about the military have changed because of the way it turned his life around.]

As far as the house is concerned, Lion really hates the area. He hates that the houses are so close together. I think he hates the house itself. I hate moving. I’m not thrilled with the house itself or the fact that the neighbors do nothing about their noisy dogs, and our dog feels like she can’t go outside when she wants to. I do not hate the area. I hate being stuck in limbo as far as unpacking is concerned. We spent quite a bit of money installing the car charger and the wiring to make it easier to connect the generator. It seems stupid to me to undo that or lose it when we move. I’d rather not pay the exorbitant vehicle licensing fees, especially since we can’t use the transportation services they pay for. In short, it depends on what annoys me about the house on any given day. I would decide to look for a different house as we get closer to the end of the lease. If we can find something we like, we can run through the numbers to see if moving makes sense. [Lion — That’s exactly how I feel. I also worry that the management company will raise our rent to a point we can’t afford to stay. It would be different if liked it here. It’s true that we spent a lot moving and improving this house. We got our money’s worth already. We had a power failure that would have cost Mrs. Lion a day’s pay. That is enough to cover the cost of the modification to use our generator. We save enough on gas to pay for our charger. We didn’t get stuck with the $900 car registration fee this year. I don’t want to pay that next year. We paid only $150 in our old house.]

I have to say, as far as BDSM and sex are concerned, some days I’m having a hard enough time just making it through the day. Then I have to make dinner or do laundry and the dog is inevitably in my way. Generally, I’m in some pain. When Lion asks how I’m doing and I say okay, it’s relative. Two hours earlier, I may have been in a lot more pain. Maybe my ears were ringing and now they aren’t. Maybe the ouches and gasps are just normal ouches and gasps when I move over to snuggle. Right now, for example, I feel like I’m on the verge of tears. No reason. Just teetering right on the brink. Deciding what’s for dinner or if I want to spank Lion is not frontmost in my mind.

That said, we‘ve been doing a lot better at deciding dinner lately. And I was going to make Lion wear some frilly undies today, but he didn’t sleep well last night and I didn’t want to add to his misery. On the other hand, the heat seems to have broken, at least for the day, so maybe he should have some misery via a spanking.

For weeks, maybe more, Lion has been interrupting me. I’ve let it go. He’s also been annoying me. I’ve let that go on too. Why? Part of the reason is the damn heat. I think it affects me more than it does him. I’m usually warmer than he is so when he needs the air conditioning turned off, I feel like I need to go sit in the freezer for a while. Part of the reason is work being stressful. I finally (ok, it was a year and a half ago) got a job with a company I’ve wanted to work for for years, and they started talking about layoffs. But don’t worry. No layoffs will happen before the end of the year. Lies. They started in June. Then they had the nerve to send out their annual employee survey. Needless to say, I let them have it.

This morning, we were doing our usual Sunday morning thing, watching QVC and something popped up that looked interesting. I was hungry so I went to make breakfast. It feels like as soon as I leave a room, Lion talks to me. I heard him say something about not being able to read his iPad screen. Did this have to happen right this second? Well, yes, because despite his telling me things don’t have to happen urgently, Lion wants things when he wants things. So, I went back into the bedroom to help him. However, in the few minutes I was in the kitchen, I wondered if we should really place the order because we’re going away for a few days and maybe the delivery would come while we were gone. I asked Lion if we wanted to order right away. And he interrupted. Of course we wanted to order right away because they’ll sell out. Okie dokie. I placed the order from his iPad and went to finish breakfast.

When I came back in, I told him my reservations about the order arriving while we were gone. He hadn’t thought of that. I mentioned his interrupting me and he said he often gets tired of waiting for me to finish my statements. Of course, then he wonders why I go silent or refuse to finish the statement at all. Besides, my long-winded statement had dragged on all of about ten words or so before he was tired of listening. Lion knows best.

Well, it turns out the order was scheduled to be delivered on Thursday. When do we leave? Thursday. He had to cancel the order and select a different ship date. Not the worst thing in the world but it could have been avoided if only I had reduced my long-winded statement to less than ten words. As a matter of fact, this post should probably be less than ten words.

Don’t. Order. Vacation. Soon.

Don’t. Interrupt. Annoyed. Wife.

Much better.

Should he get spanked for this? Probably, but he’d get tired after the first ten swats and interrupt me. It’s much better for him to whine about not being spanked and me to stew about being interrupted.

It has been brought to my attention that it’s been ages since I wrote a post. Yes. Yes, it has. You might think that’s because I’ve had nothing to say. You would be correct. I still don’t, but here is what’s been on my mind.

It’s hot. We are at the end of a heat wave that started last Friday, I think. Somehow, we’re going from 89 today to 85 tomorrow and, apparently, that’s cool enough to make us feel better about life. It does not. I’ll be just about as hot and cranky tomorrow as I am today, although not as cranky as yesterday. So maybe there is something to say for the lower temperatures.

Work has been confusing. We have rules about handling things. We do A this way. We do B this way. And we do C this way. What happens when we have ABC? It would be fine if it was somehow linear, but A is dramatically different from B or C. And it’s hot. My patience is gone. Maybe tomorrow’s cold snap will help me think.

Lion has two more eye surgeries coming up. We have two mini vacations coming up. We’re hoping the surgeries fall between the vacations and that everything will go well. He’s had complications with surgeries in the past, so there’s always some worry. I do the best I can to take care of him, but he’s not the easiest patient to deal with. His “I want what I want when I want it” goes into overdrive when he’s sick or scared. And, not surprising, we are polar opposites when it comes to being sick/injured. I’d much rather be left alone. Lion wants me near him 24/7, even if he’s sleeping. Luckily, working from home means I’m usually not more than 20 feet from him.

There has been no spanking or sex for about a week. I’ve been making up time at work for Lion’s doctor appointments. And it’s hot. Maybe the four-degree cooler temperature will translate to spanking and sex.