We were watching TV this morning and there was a story about the internet. I’ve always heard things stay forever on the internet. You hear that when some stupid teenager posts illicit pictures. It turns out, things do not last forever. Lion said that our site will die once he does. I don’t have any problem continuing to pay for the site, but eventually it will need work. I’ve “shown no interest in learning” and I “won’t even do the ham radio” stuff. I guess I’m learning both now.

Personally, I think I’ve done a lot of ham radio stuff. It was me who installed his first antenna on the roof at the old house, despite not wanting to go on the roof. I went on the roof more than I care to remember. I ran cables. I’ve continued to run cables here, although I didn’t have to install the antenna. And I’ve been continuing to help him figure out why his big antenna isn’t working. True, I haven’t done any actual ham radio work with regard to getting my license. I still maintain, in a life-or-death emergency, there wouldn’t be too much of an issue if I grabbed the radio and yelled for help. Consider this scenario: Someone is hiking and has their ham radio walkie talkie thing with them. They become unconscious for whatever reason. Another hiker comes along, sees the radio and calls for help. The second hiker is not licensed, but just did a huge no-no. They are libel for a $10,000 fine for broadcasting without a license. Given the threat of the fine, should the second hiker have kept on walking? Legally, yes. Morally, no.

I have not shown much interest (any, really) in keeping the website alive. Let’s face it, without Lion, why would there be a site? What would I write about? “Day 392 and I still haven’t spanked Lion”? Still, I talked about scattering his ashes as a way to take him back to places he loves. I guess the biggest tribute would be to keep the website going.

So, apparently, I’m learning website and ham radio stuff. Yay me.

Oh, by the way, Lion had a very nice orgasm last night and I was rewarded with a mouthful of Lion cream. Yay me for real.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion brought up a couple of good points. Getting a ham radio license is more than just being able to transmit in an emergency. For one thing, unless she knows how to use the radio just pressing the push-to-talk button on the radio is chancy. What if the radio isn’t tuned to a repeater in the area? The point is that ham radio isn’t like a cell phone. You actually have to know some stuff to successfully use it. Setting up an antenna and running cable doesn’t really count. The same is true of our website. For the most part, it will take care of itself. There are times when some technical support is needed. Usually, it is confined to rebooting our server. Sometimes, more complex work will be needed. I’ve thought about rebuilding the site on Blogger, which is managed by Google. It would be a ton of work to move 6,700 posts. Anyway, for better or worse, this blog is my legacy. I would love for it to survive me.]

cowgirl sexual position

We spent a good portion of Saturday afternoon outside while Lion’s ham radio antenna was being set up. I got the slightest hint of sunburn. I don’t know why I can’t get it through my head that I burn easily, sometimes to the point of sun poisoning. This time it wasn’t so bad.

I was tired by the end of the day. To get things ready for people to walk around in the yard, I had to de-poop and mow. And still the dog pooped while we were out there. Lion asked me to put the dog in the house because she was getting the neighbor’s noisy dogs riled up. I was concentrating on cleaning up the poop before someone stepped in it. Then Lion yelled at me to take the dog in. I yelled right back that I would (it wasn’t like I didn’t answer him the first time) when I was done with what I was doing. He’ll say he didn’t yell. He did. He gets impatient when things don’t happen right away. I get impatient when he yells at me to do something I already said I’d do. Generally, I’m doing something at the time and he doesn’t give me a chance to finish before I do what he wants. Of course, he wants what he wants when he wants it.

Anyway, I’ve been working to put the cables in to attach the radio to the antenna. I should finish today. I had thought about an orgasm for Lion last night, but I was tired after messing with the cables. And I thought about one for tonight, but I’ll be finishing up the cable. He’s been after me for a vaginal orgasm (his orgasm, my vagina) so I was considering doing it, mostly to stop him from bugging me about it. Again, he wants what he wants.

He also seems to think I think his Edex-induced erections are fragile. I assume this is because we don’t play much. We have played after he’s used Edex. We just hit periods where we don’t play much. The dice were supposed to change that. Then I decided how things would work for a few orgasms. If he’d like to take his chances with the dice for the next go round, we can do that. I merely thought he’d like to be ridden. Am I wrong, Lion? [Lion — I’ve been waiting for six years! I’m certainly ready.]

Yesterday was supposed to be taken up by dropping the dog off at the groomer, looking for fruit, doing things around the house and picking the dog up. Yeah, that’s not how it worked out. On Friday, I got a call that Lion’s replacement contact lens was in. We needed to go back near our old house since that’s where the order was placed, and the warranty was only good there. I was hoping it would arrive next week. Did we have enough time to drop the dog off, drive back “home” and pick the dog up? I had to.

It turns out we had plenty of time. We did a bagel order and picked that up on the way home. We stopped for something to eat. We had time to go on our fruit run. And finally, the dog was ready. All that was left to do was put everything away. The bagels waited until this morning when we had some for breakfast and I froze the rest. We have to figure out how to freeze corn because we have way too much to eat before it goes bad. The dog looks and smells great, and her toenails are no longer weapons of mass destruction.

Lion said he was horny. No surprise. I haven’t spanked him yet. I don’t know if I’ll do it today or not. We got some lube from England that we wanted to try out. The way I judge lube is by how much I need to use and how long it lasts. Eventually, it devolves into a glue-like mess that makes it impossible to continue. I used one squirt to start to play, another to get him ready and then two when I knew we were on our way. Unfortunately, he never actually got “there”. I’m not sure what happened. About the same time as the lube got gluey, he said he didn’t think he could come. Afterwards, he stood up and the erection returned. No idea what that means for the future. Does he have to be standing from now on? I find that awkward, but I guess I’ll get used to that like I’ve gotten used to other things.

Today is waxing day. In a perfect world, I would have cleaned the rest of the boxes out of the bedroom so there would be more room for the massage table. It’s not like there isn’t enough room already. It would just make it a little easier to move around the table. In a little while, I’ll check on the wax and if it’s melted, I’ll turn down the heat, so I don’t scorch the Lion. I wonder how much it would hurt to be waxed after a spanking? There’s really no way to guarantee his skin won’t break, so I won’t take the chance. Maybe I can spank a freshly waxed butt.

Our dog has decided to be a night owl. For whatever reason, she does not want to go out just before we go to bed. The lights have to be off and I have to roll over to get ready to sleep. I’ve tried staying on my back, but she consistently waits till I roll over. Sometimes she’ll even wait until later. I get less sleep and then I’m falling asleep at my desk.

Despite being half asleep, I was thinking I should spank Lion today. I’m sure he’s done something to annoy me, although I can’t give an example. Luckily, I don’t need an actual reason. I can just whomp away. He needs to be spanked and that’s good enough.

I straightened up in the living room over the weekend. Lion asked if I could get rid of the extra boxes in the bedroom. I took a few out, but there are more. When it’s finally cleared, the initial thought was to bring in the treadmill from the garage. We should still have room for waxing supplies and maybe a spot for some paddles. I haven’t found the over-the-door shoe holder that I put some of the paddles in. The closet door will be the perfect place for it.

Speaking of waxing, he’s gotten furry again. I don’t really like waxing him, but he likes to be clean. The dog is going for a bath Saturday. Maybe Lion will have a spa day on Sunday. He also needs a haircut. No one told me owning a Lion would be so demanding. They really should put that in the adoption agreement. Unfortunately, I was already in love with him before these things came to light. I was bamboozled. Hoodwinked. Hornswaggled.