I was planning on spanking Lion at lunch. I already knew he’d whine and complain about not wanting to be spanked. I don’t care. I thought maybe he’d say he was in the middle of something. I don’t care. If I’ve managed to drag out the spanking bench and get everything ready, you can get your buns on it! [Lion — Yes, Ma’am!]

I’ve been fighting some gut thing. I’ve been very uncomfortable and tired. The dog decided that 1 AM was a good time to go out and bother me until 2:15. After I pulled out the spanking bench at lunch, I decided I was too tired to swat him. I’m hoping for a second wind just after work.

Since I haven’t been feeling well, Lion has been neglected. He said he was horny yesterday. I was in no shape to do anything about it. I had to do chores in short bursts before I ran out of energy. I don’t think I could have given him a blow job. I probably would have had to stop partway through.

While we were watching TV, he asked to snuggle because he was feeling lonely. That doesn’t take much energy. Once I got snuggled in, he hinted that I was close to his weenie. I didn’t take the hint. I don’t know why. He wasn’t asking to be jerked off. He just wanted a drive-by.

I’m not sure when I decided to spank him at lunch and give him sex later on. Clearly, I had more energy at the time. I guess if my energy level allows one or the other, I should pick the blow job. He’s a horny boy. And, although he’ll say he should be spanked, he’ll gladly trade a spanking for sex.

He’s been doing better at remembering his pills. He took my suggestion, and he’s been getting them right after his shower. He’s still interrupting from time to time, and now he’s also not listening to me. He may actually be not hearing me more than not listening. I know he gets involved with things and zones out. But sometimes, he acknowledges what I said and later swears I never said it. That’s when it’s most frustrating. Technically, we already have a rule about annoying me, and I’m sure not listening falls under that. I just have to force myself to enforce it. [Lion — Yup!]

I’m still hoping for the second wind after work. I bet Lion is, too. [Lion — I am. I also think that if it has to be either a spanking or a blow/hand job, the spanking is probably the right move at this point.]

It was cooler yesterday. I was a little chilly sitting at my desk but not enough to do anything about it. By afternoon, I was warmer. Obviously, the sun was out and the day had warmed up, but I wasn’t feeling all that great either. After work, “we” took the chick peas that had been soaking and put them in a pot with some spices. They had to cook for at least 45 minutes. I was going to take a shower, but there was still the matter of an update for the car’s navigation, which failed yet again.

By the time the chick peas were done, I was feeling a little worse. I tore the freezer apart, looking for something I swear was in there. With that option unavailable, we decided to have stew. More running around to get that going and I realized my legs were unhappy holding me vertical. How could I go from being a little chilly in the morning to feeling hot and horrible in the afternoon? When I got up around 2:30 AM to pee, my legs felt heavy, but by morning I was fine again.

Lion, obviously, did not get swatted last night. I never told him he would. He’d had a very nice orgasm on Sunday. The last one, a week prior, was not satisfying at all. This one was. I didn’t get any cream filling, but he was very happy. Very happy. Big silly grin happy. I like making him happy.

Maybe tonight I’ll have enough energy to spank him. He’s been interrupting and forgetting his pills a lot lately. His plan is to collect his pills when he turns off the bathroom fan a while after his shower. Maybe he should collect the pills after his shower. I can always turn off the fan. There’s no rule about that.

I used to like to drive. My best friend in high school and I used to get ourselves lost and then see how long it took to find our way to someplace familiar. Now, I’m accustomed to working from home and getting things delivered. I did more driving yesterday than I have since we moved. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was one way. The trip home did me in.

I know. I’m a softy. Some people drive for a living. My hat is off to them. I can’t do it. I was wiped out by the time we got home, and we still had to package the donuts to freeze them. The freezers are pretty full. Where was I going to put them? I need to rearrange the freezers. Things got thrown in there when we moved and I did straighten things out a bit, but more is needed. I certainly wasn’t going to do it after driving five hours. I shoved donuts in wherever they fit. I made sure not to squish them.

Today is not as hot as the past few days. Like my ability to drive, my ability to tolerate hot weather is gone too. The grass was long again and, whether I felt like it or not, I was mowing the lawn. Thankfully, it’s a much smaller yard. I got it done fairly quickly. There’s so much more to do, but I’m saving energy for some Lion fun. He’s horny, of course. I say “of course” knowing full well that it’s been about a week since his last orgasm. He should be horny by now. He should also be looking for a spanking, but we’ll deal with one pressing issue at a time.

We woke up early this morning. Maybe 7 isn’t so early. It’s when the alarm goes off on a weekday. But on a weekend, especially after a long trip, I’d like to sleep a bit longer. I was ready to crash after being up for a few hours. I guess I got my second wind before mowing the lawn. Maybe I’ll get my third wind before I try for a Lion orgasm.

Lion wrote that he hadn’t been spanked in a while and he was probably due. He also said I spank him when he writes about it. I can’t let him thinks he calls the shots so, even if I wasn’t busy last night, I wasn’t going to spank him.

I had to run out for some prescriptions after work. I can’t tell you the last time I went anywhere. It’s been at least a week, maybe two. I do know that the same half tank of gas has been in the car for a few months. With the electric motor getting us most places, I forget all about gas. It will cross my mind at random times and I make a mental note to get some, but then I forget again. When we go on our donut run, we’ll definitely need some.

When I packed, I thought I had put most of the air conditioner hoses and window inserts together. Some of them were too long for boxes, so I made sure to keep them together, I thought. Luckily, I was able to piece together enough to cover the bedroom and both offices. The living room, dining room and kitchen are one big area so they’re more difficult to cool. Plus, the living room is still a sea of boxes. I hope we can weather this small heat wave with fans.

Lion seemed surprised when I agreed with him about going to Voodoo Donuts. He’s been talking about it for weeks. Up until the other day, he always said, “We should go to Voodoo,” and I’d agree. When he asked if we could go this weekend, I agreed again. He said, “Really?” Was I the one holding up the works? I’m not looking forward to the drive, but we love donuts and it’s been a long time since we’ve gone anywhere other than doctor appointments and casinos. I also have to do a bagel run, but that’s more me dragging my feet because I don’t want to drive there either. Eventually, my need for a good bagel will outweigh my need to be a hermit.

I doubt I’ll want to spank Lion or give him an orgasm after driving five hours round trip tomorrow. Does that mean he’ll get one of them tonight? I don’t know. It depends on how we feel after work.