man being spanked
I think Lion likes spanking too much for it to be an effective punishment.

I read an article today about a study that said spanking does not work for disciplining young children. Apparently the majority of them re-offend almost immediately. That got my mind going.

I wonder how many of these kids liked to be spanked and misbehaved on purpose. In that respect, maybe the spanking worked perfectly. Just not the way the parent had in mind. At what point do people realize they like pain?

When I was in grade school, at recess one day, two boys grabbed some girls and tied them to a tree with jump ropes. Some of the girls struggled to get away. Some of them seemed to accept their fate as captives. Were the boys future tops? Were the girls future bottoms? They were probably too young to understand dominance and submission. But at some level they may have understood their place in the world. They just didn’t know what to call it.

Of course, I don’t know if the boys became tops and the girls bottoms. I don’t even remember their names. But it might be interesting to find out if kids who misbehave so quickly after punishment grow up to enjoy being spanked and tied up.

In the back of my mind I wonder if Lion drops food on purpose just to get his punishment swats. I don’t think he likes the shock collar enough to get zapped on purpose. But spanking? Yeah he really likes spanking. There is a difference between a punishment swat and a play swat. But if he’s not getting enough play swats would he really resort to cheating to get some rosy buns? When he read this post he said he only remembers being spanked once as a child. And he liked it. I guess that answers the question of when Lion realized he liked pain.

My road toy collection: [Top] Our bed restraints and my impact toys: punishment paddle, flogger, crop, strap, and wooden spoon [Center] Pinching toys [Bottom] Boy Butter anal lube, rope for cock and ball bondage, and a large dildo to go into lion where the sun doesn’t shine.
As I’ve said before, Lion and I have several road trips planned this summer. Since they are road trips we don’t have to worry about going through airport security. Lion can remain safely locked away in his cage. And the toys we take are only limited by what we want to carry with us. Trust me, you can fit a lot in a gym bag and it’s a lot more fun than going to the gym.

Previously I went shopping in our dungeon for our travel toys. I’d like to expand on that a little bit today. Each toy has it’s own feel and purpose. Some of them are homemade. Some of them were never meant for anything kinky. One of Lion’s favorite toy stores is the big box store, specifically the rope and chain aisle. We’ve found things in drug stores, kitchen stores, warehouse stores-almost any store can be a toy store.

The first thing I know I need (well, it’s actually Lion who needs it) is a punishment paddle. It’s shaped like a hairbrush and should do the job quite nicely. It’s small enough that it could fit in my bag in case there are any indiscretions while we’re out and about. But I probably won’t need it since he’ll also be wearing his shock collar.

For our “whomping” sessions I have chosen a flogger, a crop, a strap, a wooden spoon, and a paddle. The flogger is thuddy which means it doesn’t sting like the other items do. The strap is doubled so a split second after the first side hits, the other side hits. The wooden spoon has a decent amount of bulk to it and, used toward the end with single hard swats, will provide a lasting sensation and possibly a bruise or two. Just to remind Lion of me long after we’re finished.

I always make sure to have clothes pins. Regular, hang-your-clothes-out-to-dry wooden clothes pins. And I have modified a few with the sandpaper pieces so they have extra bite. The plastic clothes pins are nastier than that. The tiny clothes pins can bring Lion to tears. I use them on his cock. Nasty, nasty little things. I don’t use the industrial strength ones often. They are very difficult to take for any length of time. And, lastly, the wooden flowered clothes pins are not nasty at all. I just think Lion needs to be pretty sometimes.

Rope is very useful for play. While it can be used to tie wrists and feet, we have restraints for that purpose. Rope could cause damage and leave marks. No, the rope is for Lion’s cock and balls. I’ve done everything from tying a lasso around one ball and stretching it to his big toe to wrapping his balls and stretching them together to almost mummifying his cock. I’ve also captured his balls and tied them to a collar around his neck. Which reminds me, I’ve been meaning to find that collar again.

We have not done ass play in a while. Sometimes Lion can take a dildo right away and sometimes he needs to work his way up to it. There are some things I know I can push him to do and some things I can’t. Neither of us is fond of my jamming a dildo inside him when he’s not able to take it. I always go slow with dildos and butt plugs in the beginning. Once he’s warmed up, of course, he has no say in the matter. And you can’t have dildos and butt plugs without plenty of lube.Boy Butter works great.

I’d forgotten we had long strips of Velcro. I love wrapping Lion’s cock with Velcro and then once he’s hard I release it. The sudden rush of blood is somewhat painful. The longer strip means I can mummify his cock with that instead of the stacks of smaller Velcro. Or I can latch onto the smaller pieces with the longer piece and stretch him. So many possibilities.

I know I’ve probably forgotten a toy of two but this is a nice start. The good thing is that I can always supplement my collection either from home or any store we happen across in our travels. Sporting goods departments, hardware departments, housewares. They all have fun things in them to repurpose for play.


Part of me wants to spank Lion for stealing my ideas for posts and part of me is happy we’re on the same wavelength. The other day I was formulating a post about WIIFM and there it was as a Lion entry. The same post, Top Drop, stole my idea about the possibility of burning out as a top. Who knew he’d turn into a mind reader?

I will tell you that I am learning a lot about Lion. Perhaps more than he’s ever told me directly. I didn’t know he had ever discussed playing with his ex wife. It’s been difficult for me to keep track of his various partners over the years. He did come of age in the 60s and 70s when having a lot of sex was just what you did. I had the misfortune of coming of age in the AIDS years when people were afraid of dying. That’s why I never sowed my wild oats when I was younger.

Again, in today’s post, Lion proves he’s read my mind. He traces his journey in the lifestyle. I’ve been thinking about writing a post about my, for want of a better word, loneliness in the lifestyle. When Lion was experimenting he had a partner who was at the same stage. They found their way together. Of course I have Lion, but he’s just one voice. Granted he probably has more experience than ten people I could encounter, but when you’re learning about things isn’t it better to have more sources? In school when writing a paper we all griped about needing more than three sources. But now I see the purpose of them. How can I find out more information if I don’t have more sources?

I’ve gone with Lion to a meeting of his BDSM group. They were all his friends. I’m an introvert so it was not really the sort of place I could feel comfortable asking questions. Plus, since I’m a newbie I’m thinking all my questions are going to sound stupid. Why would Lion, with all his experience, have this rookie following him around? We also went to a sort of BDSM conference with workshops and demonstrations. Again, all his friends. And they were all really into this stuff. I mean, really into it. Walking around in handcuffs, pony boy outfits, leather corsets and long leather boots carrying a whip. I was out of my element. So how do I learn? How do I know if what I’m feeling is normal? How do I stop feeling lost? It’s not like laundry or cooking where I can just call my mother and ask what I’m doing wrong. Why aren’t my whites white? Why can’t I get my pork chops to taste like your pork chops? How long should I spank my husband? Nope. Not going to happen.

Agreeing to be Lion’s keyholder has churned up questions again. I guess I’ll always doubt that I am doing enough for him. That’s just my nature. After all, I’ve been doing this for more than ten years now and I still feel like a newbie. After he read this post Lion suggested some books. I’m looking forward to seeing if they answer my questions and/or bolster my confidence.  I’ll let you know.

mother warning child
My mother warned me to stay away from strange, perverted men. I didn’t listen.

I grew up across the street from a couple where the woman was clearly in charge. Any time I asked if the kids could come out to play the husband always deferred to the wife. She even had him on a short leash. If he wandered across the street to talk to my father it wasn’t long before she was screaming out the door for him to come home. I really have no idea if it was actually that kind of relationship. She may have been just a bossy person. Other than joking about it my parents never discussed it. Not only did we not talk about sex, but normal people didn’t do those sorts of things.

Two of my best friends from high school got married and he once told me that he liked to tie her hands so she couldn’t “help” him during sex. He said she was then able to relax and have much bigger orgasms. We never discussed it again and it never crossed my mind as something I’d want to try. Even after I got married the first time I never thought about how to spice things up. Things were spicy enough for both of us.

Once my marriage ended I decided to sow my wild oats since I had never done anything like that when I was younger. I didn’t really have any expectation of what that meant. I just thought I deserved to have some fun. I signed up for online dating. I chatted with a few guys. Dates were considered but we never actually met. Then Lion found me. Two days after we met online, we met in person. The rest, as they say, is history.

In previous posts I’ve said that Lion suckered me in. No, he didn’t drive up in a Porsche (he wishes), with champagne and caviar. He was just a sweet guy looking for some fun. No mention of anything kinky. Well, that’s not true. He did tell me he had a piercing but he removed it before we met so he didn’t freak me out. See? Dangle that normalcy in front of me, reel me in, closer, closer. I don’t remember when he first put the piercing back in, but it was at least a month or two before he told me what he had in mind.

What was I thinking?
I really don’t know why I didn’t run screaming from him when he said he wanted to be tied up and spanked. I guess I might have if he had suggested tying me up and spanking me. Here he was, only my second sexual partner, asking me to do things I hadn’t ever thought of, and I was going to do it? I wonder if this is how people get hooked on drugs. It went ok the first time. I can stop any time I want to. I’m not addicted. Honest! Then the spankings got harder and then it was tying him up, then it was flogging, then it was caning, then it was cock and ball torture. Right on down the rabbit hole.

So I was hooked. On Lion. Not on his “baggage; just him. And it wasn’t hurting me to hurt him-after the first few times when I was sure I wasn’t going to do him serious bodily harm with my pathetic swats to his backside. He tells me I’m very good at being bad to him. I can get his buns rosy in no time and I’ve learned not to have the “really?” look on my face when he suggests something new. I’ve always done this for him. It has never turned me on. The only desire I have when I’ve got his balls in a vise is that it turns him on. Lately we’ve been working on what turns me on. And I’m fine with not being turned on by what turns him on as long as I get some WIIFM (what’s in it for me) now and then.

My mother may not have talked much about sex with me, but she did warn me there were a lot of strange men out there. And perverts. Lucky me! I wound up with a strange man who is a pervert. I wouldn’t have it any other way.