So far every caged male I’ve read about has initiated the caging. He’s fantasized about it and finally gets the courage to approach his partner with the idea. Usually the couple has been involved in some sort of play, but there are some men who seemingly come out of nowhere with the proposal. That’s the way it happened with Lion and me. He toyed with the idea for years before seriously presenting it to me.

I’m wondering how many women actually initiate the caging. It stands to reason that if the woman is the top and looking for ways to up the ante, so to speak, she may consider caging her male. How does that conversation go? For the most part, women seem to be shocked or confused when asked to cage their males. Are men shocked when it’s presented to them? Do they jump at the chance? Do they need time to warm up to the idea?

Is it that forced chastity is a concept by and for males? How many women actually heard of this practice?  If you are a woman who has caged her male or a male who did not initiate the caging, please let us know how it all happened. It will add yet another perspective to our story.

Well, I did. Sort of. I am notorious for thinking I want something and then either not having any clue how to get it, or deciding once I have it that it wasn’t really what I wanted at all. So I wind up with exercise equipment that just sits there and collects dust, and then I’m pining over that next piece of exercise equipment that I’m sure I want but I really know it will take its place gathering dust with the others. (Don’t panic, Lion. I’m not talking about you or the cage.)

I thought I was brilliant when I gave Lion the task of making breakfast on the weekends. I’ve been doing breakfast every morning for the better part of a decade. It’s his turn now. I did not think this through. I should have kept the weekends and given him the weekdays.

Lion loves blueberry pancakes with walnuts. He won’t make them for himself and he never asks me to make them because I don’t like pancakes. Every so often I make him his pancakes and I either eat them too or make myself eggs. But this generally happens on the weekends. And guess whose job it is to make breakfast on the weekends. Not mine. Rats.

This may not seem like a major problem and in the overall scheme of things it isn’t. But it all goes back to my inconsistencies. If I tell him I want to make breakfast on a weekend, then haven’t I just undermined my own rule? When he was uncaged recently he wanted to be recaged as soon as possible and part of the reason was that he didn’t want me to slip into my old habit again. If I make breakfast one weekend day once in a while, is it a slippery slope that soon goes to both days every weekend? And then what about the other rules? I admit I haven’t made many, but I don’t want to lose whatever progress I made. On the other hand, I make the rules so I should be able to amend them on a moment’s notice.

When I spoke to Lion about this he said he’d thought of the pancake problem too. I don’t know if he had any fixes in mind, but I do. Obviously, I could just take that one day back every few weeks and make him his pancakes. Or we could swap a day. I make pancakes on Sunday and he makes breakfast Monday. Or, and this is my favorite but certainly won’t be his, he can do weekdays while I do weekends.

The important part is to keep the communication flowing. If we can’t solve the pancake problem, how can we solve the bigger problems that are sure to arise along the way?

sick lion
For the last few days lion has been under the weather. He’s out of his cage due to medical visits.

For the past few days, Lion hasn’t been feeling well. He’s had doctor appointments while I am at work so it was necessary for me to uncage him. This is the longest he’s been a wild Lion since his caging.

I’m not worried about him being naughty. He doesn’t feel well. I’m also not worried about him deciding he no longer wants to be caged. I don’t think he’s worried that I no longer want him to be caged. We both understand that this break is not something we want, but something that is necessary. When I agreed to cage Lion we never discussed under what circumstances he would be uncaged. We never even discussed how often he would be uncaged for cleaning. I think the most important tool we have is common sense.

This is a fluid situation. The rules I’ve established for Lion have to be set aside under some circumstances. His surliness from a week ago is nothing compared to when he’s sick. He admits he’s an impatient patient. I would never punish him when he’s not feeling well. I will also release him from his responsibility of making breakfast this weekend. I may enjoy his discomfort when we’re playing, but obviously this is different. My biggest responsibility as a keyholder is keeping my Lion safe and healthy.

Update: Last night (Thursday) Lion asked to be recaged. I was willing to wait until he was feeling all better but he said since he doesn’t even notice the cage it certainly won’t add to his discomfort and he doesn’t have another doctor’s appointment for a few days. It may be a while before he is ready to resume normal activities but he is my caged Lion again.

Punishment paddle
This is the rosewood punishment paddle with a patch of very scratchy sandpaper glued on one side.

Last night Lion was still upset that he hadn’t received punishment for being surly. He had explained to me that his surliness had more to do with being tired than sexual frustration so I was willing to let it go. Apparently he could not. So I got out the punishment paddle. It’s not exactly a punishment paddle. Any paddle can be used for pain or pleasure. We do have a dedicated punishment paddle in the kitchen that we’ve never used for pleasure. But I digress.

We have two rosewood paddles. One has a rounded head and the other is more oar shaped. Both are nasty, nasty paddles. On one side of the oar shaped paddle I affixed some non-skid tape. Think of it as sandpaper for the tush. It makes the nasty paddle just plain mean. I generally use it once Lion’s buns are pink and usually I don’t hit very hard with it. I swat him with both sides and then I run the scratchy side across his cheeks to heighten his discomfort. It was this side of the paddle that I used for his punishment swats.

A few nights ago he told me I didn’t have to limit his punishment to one swat per offense. Duh! I had been giving him one swat for each ice cube/food item he dropped, but that was more so I’d remember how many things he’d dropped. I wasn’t necessarily trying to spare him. Last night I figured if he wanted punishment for something I was willing to let go, he deserved more swats than I would normally give him. I decided on four. Two for each cheek. Hard. With the mean paddle.

I did not restrain him because he loves to be restrained. I was not trying to reward him. The first two swats were met with the anticipated reaction. On the third swat he moved away from me and rolled over. I asked him where he was going and he told me it hurt. Duh, again! I said it was supposed to hurt and that he had more to come. After the last swat I told him he could roll over. A few hours later I informed him the next time he moves during punishment swats he will get more swats. It seemed reasonable to me. He shouldn’t know how many swats are coming and he shouldn’t move until I tell him he’s done. He said in the future I should restrain him even if it is just sitting on him so he can’t move.

I have issues with this logic. As I said, he likes to be restrained. More than that, his needing to move because it hurts is not my problem. He created the need for the punishment in the first place. If I wanted him restrained, I would have restrained him. I think not moving is part of the punishment. Is it difficult to stay still when you know what’s coming? It sure is. Too bad! Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. But I know the next time he needs to be punished with swats I will be wondering if I should really restrain him. He has put doubt in my mind. Does that deserve punishment?