Naked man wearing chastity device
I like how I look without body hair.

Fortunately for us, we live in a sparsely populated part of the world. Our house is small-but-adequate for the two of us. It’s far enough from our neighbors so that they can’t hear my yelping when Mrs. Lion spanks me. It’s also fortunate that we are reasonably isolated in view of the concern about this new virus. It may or may not be more deadly than any other flu, but we don’t have any built-in protection from it. This makes it particularly dangerous to people with vulnerable immune systems. As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday, we are potentially vulnerable. She more than me because she works in the place where members of the public come in and out. I work from home and don’t have to go out often at all.

In fact, last week, I only had clothes on twice. Both times it was only for an hour or two. That’s not completely true. I wear a T-shirt during the day most times. Mrs. Lion made this rule a long time ago. I guess I am an enforced nudist. I’ve been this way for the last 15 years. It’s just part of me now. We probably spend more money on gas and electricity keeping the temperature high enough for me to exist comfortably. However, I save a lot of money on clothing. [Mrs. Lion — Actually, Lion asked if he should have a rule that he’s naked when at home. I said that was fine. Like many of our rules, he suggests and I usually agree.]

Maybe because most of the time I see myself naked, I decided I like the way I look without body hair. I’m not quite sure when I started losing my pubic hair. I believe that was at least 25 years ago. That hair removal began because my partner at the time didn’t like pubic hair. She had barely any and didn’t like what I had. One day she tied me down and removed it. She wanted to shave under my arms as well but I begged her not to. Later, she shaved my rear end as well. I had no problem with that since I can’t see it.

A year or two ago I shaved my chest and pits. I liked the look. I kept myself shaved for a while. At the time, Mrs. Lion had begun waxing me. She gave me Brazilian waxes regularly. Waxing is ideal for removing pubic hair. We tried everything else with some success and a lot of pain. Waxing keeps me fairly clear of hair for at least a month. It doesn’t hurt me. I asked Mrs. Lion to extend the waxing to my chest and pits. She also did my back and shoulders.

I never liked the artificial-looking border between my thigh hair and my Brazilian area. I asked her to wax further down. She ended up taking all the hair off my legs. I really like how that looks. Unfortunately, she hates waxing my legs. I offered to go to a waxing parlor for them. I can’t do that now; it’s too dangerous. I think it might be easier to do if we don’t wait too long between waxings. The hair grows back finer, and more slowly. If she catches it early enough, it should go very quickly.

The 21st century has caught up with me. It’s very common for men to remove body hair. It almost looks a little odd to see men who don’t. I’m proud of myself for being a trendsetter.

Lion naked on the deck
Lion won’t be able to do this at our new house. Here he is able to be bare on the deck without risk of public discovery.

Lion says I shouldn’t take offense to his falling asleep while I’m playing with him. He says it feels so good, it lulls him to sleep. I don’t really take offense. I just tease him about it. It’s obviously not the effect I was looking for, but I get it. I’ve known for a while that rubbing his balls will knock him out.

We both need to figure out how to sleep better. I don’t think there’s really a reason we have trouble, so I can’t say the new house will make any difference. I’m sure it will take a bit to get used to the noises of the neighborhood: new dogs barking, a stupid rooster crowing. Lion was not at all happy when he heard it in the middle of the day. But we’ve been going to RV parks long enough to know that external sounds aren’t really a problem for us.

While we try to figure out what furniture goes where, the best news is that there are no stairs in our new house. There’s a tiny (maybe three inch) step into the bedroom. Wherever we set up the waxing will be more convenient. If we put up the sling, it will be more convenient. Laundry won’t be up and down the stairs. We’ll probably be sharing an office. I won’t have far to go to get my fix of naked Lion.

That may be a problem. We’re relatively close to the house on one side. How much naked Lion butt will they be able to see through windows? As you know, I’m very protective of my naked Lion butt. It’s for my eyes only. Well, I allow pictures to be shared, but live naked Lion butt is reserved for me. Once we get in the house and life returns to normal, we can assess the situation. I may have to change the rule. We’ll see.

I know neither one of us will be able to go out the front door naked, as I did this morning to bring in the Amazon Fresh order. The new porch is about thirty feet from the road. Passing motorists and pedestrians might get more than they bargained for on their commute or walk.

[Lion — It isn’t that bad. The windows are about 4 feet from the floor. Someone would have to be directly outside on a step ladder peeking in to see my naked butt. There is a dense, 4 foot hedge in front of the house. I do think we would be potentially visible to a passing motorist or jogger, but an occasional quick trip to the front porch probably isn’t too risky.]

half a million people
This is what half a million people look like.

We’re well into our sixth year of blogging. The other day we were interviewed on the “All the Sex” podcast. (Click here to listen). It was a fun experience that both of us enjoyed. If you ever doubted that there are two of us, I think the podcast is proof positive we really are a couple.

After being on the podcast, I started thinking about what all this blogging means in terms of numbers. We have written about 2 million words primarily about my penis. That’s pretty amazing considering that I’m absolutely average. I’ve always published actual photographs of the penis in question as well as my butt when appropriate. By this time well over half a million people have seen my genitals and my naked rear. I think that’s probably more than many porn stars who get paid for showing their stuff.

I’m not having any second thoughts or misgivings. I believe we have done the right thing and it certainly makes sense to me to show you what all those words are describing. From time to time I’ve asked our readers how they feel about such explicit images. Almost everyone who responds say they like them. Cool!

my penis hard and soft
You can decide for yourself. Here I am flaccid and erect. Admittedly, the erect picture is more dramatic, but that’s the same penis.
( Click image to view larger)

There have been some limits in terms of what I’ve shown. I don’t believe I’ve ever published any pictures of me ejaculating. The vast majority of the images are of my flaccid penis inside and outside of chastity devices. There have been a few shots when I’ve been erect.

Pictures of my butt have been limited to illustrating damage done by well-deserved spankings and size comparisons to illustrate various spanking implements. I don’t believe you’ve ever seen my bunghole. I expect you probably don’t want to.

Shortest Jail Bird on Lion's penis
Typical image of my penis safely locked in a chastity device.

Images of Mrs. Lion have been limited to her hand and arm as they hold spanking tools or my penis. I think that’s fine since it’s all that’s really relevant to show of her anatomy. My sexual anatomy, on the other hand, is completely relevant.

lion's spanked butt
Typical butt shot showing the result of a lioness spanking.

I believe that butts and penises are sufficiently similar to one another to make identification of exactly who I am would be very difficult based on the pictures published here. Occasionally I will publish a stock image obtained on the web when we don’t have anything that does a good job illustrating what I’m writing about. But, the vast majority of what you see here is attached to me.

Mrs. Lion enjoys seeing my erect penis. She’s commented that she’s less interested in me when I’m flaccid. She explains that this is because she thinks an erection is aesthetically much more pleasing than a flaccid penis. You can decide for yourself. I’ve published pictures of both in this post.

tenderizer paddle on Lion's butt
Typical illustration showing  the relative size of a paddle. My butt provides a standard measure.

In the course of my research I’ve run across pictures of other penises. I don’t find them sexually arousing. Clearly I’m heterosexual. However, when I was watching the video on how to wax male genitals I made an interesting observation. Before the waxing began, I felt vaguely repelled by the hairy cock and balls filling the screen. As the wax removed pubic hair, the image was much more pleasing to me. I think hairless balls look much better than hairy ones.

This could be because I haven’t had any pubic hair in decades. It really does look odd to me when I see hair down there. I suppose I look odd to people used to seeing bushy male pubes. The current trend is hairless genitals for both sexes. I approve.

I think a lot of guys who may normally keep themselves bushy, end up removing pubic hair after they’ve been locked in chastity for a while. The hair definitely gets caught in and pulled by the device.

figged lion
While I haven’t shown my bumhole, I did show a big piece of ginger root painfully nested in my anus.

In fairness, a percentage of what we discuss isn’t focused on my penis and butt. We also talk about our power exchange. It’s true that there is a sexual component to the way I’m punished for breaking rules, but the bottom line is that I defer to Mrs. Lion.

Our readership goes down a bit when we talk about FLRD and spanking. It goes up quite dramatically when we talk about my penis and enforced male chastity. This is completely reasonable. After all, this is The Male Chastity Journal. It isn’t a spanking blog or one about female domination.

As a side effect of the need to illustrate the blog, I have a pretty large collection of images featuring my genitals and rear end. Mrs. Lion and I have both gotten quite good at taking pictures of my penis and ass. How useful!

Because we publish a tweet each time a post goes up, and tweets feature the first image in the post, I’ve had to consider keeping that first image R-rated. That’s true in this post. I’ve long given up on making these posts safe to read at work. This just isn’t a topic that makes sense reading on a bus, plane, or at the office.

I wish that other bloggers who publish naked pictures of other people would consider replacing them with pictures of themselves. I think that when I read about someone’s sexual experience, I want to see the person being written about. Of course, that’s just my opinion.