I am battling with the Roomba this morning. It doesn’t want to charge. We had this problem not too long ago, and I was able to work some kind of magic to get it going again. Sadly, I seem to have lost my touch. I changed the battery. Nothing. Pushed buttons. Nothing. It’s pushing my buttons, I can tell you that. I’ll try again later.

Speaking of factory reset, Lion needed one last night. He was horny for the first time in a while. [Lion — 17 days!] I asked if he wanted the whole nine yards or just a blow job. He opted for the blow job. He didn’t think he could handle the whole nine yards. Fair enough. I always love giving him a blow job.

The first thing I did was bury my face in his balls. I haven’t done that in a long time. He was warm from being under the covers. Then I started my assault on his weenie. He responded right off the bat. A little while in, I thought he was going to lose it. I kept going, though. I knew it might take a while. Long after my arms had started to go numb, he got somewhat urgent. He even started bucking. I did my best to match his thrusts. He doesn’t usually do that.

When he came, I got a bunch of cream filling. It was probably twice what I have been getting. I don’t know if he needs to wait 17 days in order to have a huge orgasm or what, but he certainly had one. Maybe there’s something to the Ozempic decreasing his libido. He took some more today. I guess we’ll see what happens all week. If he’s horny again on Friday, maybe he’s on to something.

For another night, we didn’t do anything. Lion said he wasn’t interested. He thinks he’s broken again. I think it’s been too many days of not doing anything that lulls his body into hibernation. If I drag out the massage table, I bet I can get him going.

I wanted to give him a blow job. The massage table isn’t conducive to that. However, there’s no reason we can’t use the massage table for the warm up and then move into the bedroom for the main attraction. He might lose a little mojo moving from one room to the other, but if he’s really horny I should be able to get him going again.

There’s no football game this weekend. That means Saturday’s punishment swats can go on as they should. It’s been a while since we’ve done them. His buns have been consumed with football swats for quite a few weeks. Plus, he had a real punishment not too long ago. Of course, he could always use a spanking even if there’s no reason for it. That just gives him extra practice. Oh, and it keeps him in line.

We had a strange week. Neither of us had any idea what day it was yesterday. I thought it was Wednesday. Lion thought it was Friday. Neither of us really have anything going on to help keep track of things. One day just blends into the next. I think my confusion came from going to my meeting on Tuesday. I don’t know what happened with Lion. Today, we’re on the same page. It’s Friday and we’re heading into the weekend.

lion sleeping on his back

Lion wasn’t interested in sex last night. We didn’t do Spankardy because I didn’t have the new rules committed to memory yet. Earlier in the evening he said he was tired. I assumed he was too tired for sex. Too tired for oral sex? I guess so, although later on he said he wasn’t tired anymore. Oh well. There’s always tonight.

The thought occurred to me as I was about to type “Spankardy” that we used to play Zapardy as well. It’s a similar game except it uses the shock collar rather the spanking. We haven’t done that in a while. We haven’t used the shock collar much at all. Maybe we’ll have to fix that. I’m sure he could use a nice zap once in a while.

Our diets are going well. I’ve eaten more fruit in the past few weeks than I have in the past few years. I went to the store yesterday and walked past all my favorite aisles to get to produce. I walked past candy. I walked past the Valentine’s section with candy. Did we pick a stupid time to start a diet? Valentine’s Day, the Super Bowl. What were we thinking? We even got a visit from a cute little Girl Scout selling cookies. Yes, I checked the calorie count. It’s actually not too bad. A serving size is about 150 calories which is what most of our snacks are. The only problem is that a serving size is two or three cookies. Yeah, right! If I could stop at two or three cookies I wouldn’t look like this.

Lion misses going out to eat. We talked about having a cheat day. The problem I had with it is that we don’t want the same thing. I’ve been thinking about a big breakfast with an omelet and bacon. Lion was thinking of dinner. Then we talked about having pork chops or steak on Saturday. We’ve been splitting one regular size pork chop or steak for a while. Our downfall will be the baked potato slathered in butter. Plus, we already built in a cheat day for Super Bowl Sunday. Maybe we should just hold out till then.

When I was in school and had to write an essay, the rewrite was always more difficult for me. I’m having the same problem at work. I do a task, pend it, then a trainer goes through and grades it. I get a list of what I did right and what I did wrong. It was hard enough to figure out the first time through. Now I have to go undo what I did and fix it. My head is spinning. I forgot all about writing a post until Lion mentioned it.

Yesterday’s football games didn’t go very well. I don’t know how many swats Lion wound up with [Lion — 418], but they were mostly for Eagles points. Yuck! Spanking him added insult to injury. We have two weeks for his buns to prepare for the Super Bowl. Needless to say, we’ll be rooting against the Eagles.

I said in yesterday’s post that I’d either tie Lion’s balls up or use clothespins. I also wanted to suck him. He insists I can suck him on the massage table. I don’t see how that will be comfortable for either of us. I prefer being on the bed. Since I was sucking him, I tied his balls. It’s easier to avoid hitting clothespins with a hand job.

It’s so difficult to tell what’s going on with him when I’m sucking him. He rarely makes a sound. Sometimes I can tell by his movements. I thought he was getting near the edge early on based on how he was moving his hips. Nope. Then he seemed to get softer. I stopped and asked if he was losing it. Nope. A while later, my arm was going numb from being in one position for too long. I had to stop.

I didn’t think he was near the edge. He said he was pretty close. He was bummed that he didn’t get an orgasm. I let him in on a little secret: he wasn’t going to have an orgasm. If I’d gotten him to the edge, I would have done it again and left him hanging anyway.

What a bitch!