Lion is still a horny boy. You’d think I would have bought myself some time by giving him an orgasm Saturday night, but no. He was horny last night. I edged him quite a few times. I almost went a little too far, but stopped just in time.
He says at times I am a little too rough when I’m jerking him off. I can see that. I tend to get into it and forget how hard I’m gripping or how fast I’m moving. Poor Lion. He just wants to have some fun and here I am practically yanking his weenie off. I think I should get some credit for enthusiasm though.

Last night I think it was just right. After I had him going I even did an edging where I just barely touched him. Sort of a whisper of a touch. At that point all he needed was a strong breeze to get him off. But it was not to be. Don’t get me wrong. I considered it. I could have given him a bonus orgasm. It had only been two days, but you know Lion; the more the merrier. Unless he thinks about it too hard. Then he comes up with all these ideas about optimum wait times. And then he says it’s up to me anyway. Well of course it is. I already know he prefers to wait about four days, and two weeks is probably best but only on the third full moon of the month. Leave it to me, Lion. I’ve got you covered.

I got an orgasm on Friday night, only one day past my “maybe” day. It was my first camper orgasm of the year. Historic. It’s great to be away from the home for a while.

Unfortunately, while we have cell service at the state park, the data rate is unbelievably slow. Oddly, this horrid service isn’t just here. It is far more widespread. Four bars and data at less than 100k. So, we write here in the camper, then drive 15 to 20 miles to get enough data speed to upload to the blog.

I’ve been writing about alternate views of orgasm spacing. One, talked about a situation where the keyholder wants penile penetration as her only form of sexual activity. Her problem is that if her male abstained more than two weeks, he would have an “accident” inside her whether or not she wanted him to come. They took this issue as a reason to stop enforced chastity. My suggestion was to masturbate him to ejaculate as often as necessary to assure performance during penetration. The idea is that enforced chastity is about transferring control of male sexual activity, not making him wait for long periods of time between orgasms.

The alternative to frequent ejaculation is extreme self control on the part of the male. Steeled Snake ( commented that he has learned to control ejaculation so that he can provide all the penetration his keyholder wants without the risk of orgasm. He said that he stops thrusting, or asks his keyholder to stop, when he is close to coming. He waits until the danger has passed and begins again. Over time, he said, he has learned to withhold orgasm for longer and longer amounts of time. He has been conditioned to avoid orgasms, even when inside his keyholder. She can make him wait as long as she wants before he gets to come.

This technique requires both partners to work together to prevent those messy accidents. It’s a tried-and-true technique to help a male control himself. We don’t attempt this sort of control. The only time we have penetrative sex is when Mrs. Lion wants me to come inside her.

Lion doesn’t immediately get hard when his hands are restrained. It took some Velcro and the Magic Wand to get him fully excited. I decided to mix the two sensations to see which would win and how he handled it. I was pretty sure the Magic Wand would win. Velcro does not stop Mr. Weenie. I even put all four strips of Velcro on him. He always says only the first strip hurts. I thought the vibrations would make the others hurt too. Bingo! Nothing like having a theory, doing an experiment, and having a concrete outcome.

After I removed the Velcro I edged him with the Magic Wand. As I stopped just short of orgasm, I moved the vibrator to his balls. He says it doesn’t affect his balls, but then again, he said a vibrator never affected him in the past. Things change. I’m not sure it really did affect him, but I didn’t want the vibrations to go away completely just because I stopped edging. I wanted the continuous sensation. Even though it wasn’t intense anymore, it was still in the neighborhood.

I did manage to sufficiently frustrate him again. Lion keeps telling me I can give him an orgasm if I want to. I know that. I don’t want to. I’m forcing myself to wait, too. I may not have willpower when it comes to food, but I’m trying to have some when it comes to giving him orgasms. I guess I’m on a sort of orgasm diet, if you will. Lion doesn’t mind if I fall off that wagon, I’m sure.

magic wand vibrator
Lion’s new best friend, the cordless Magic Wand vibrator.

I thought I was Lion’s best friend. It turns out his best friend is battery operated. We played with the Magic Wand again last night and he’s said several times that he really likes it. This from the man who said vibrators do nothing for him. Apparently he just hadn’t found the right one.

I know Lion is very horny right now and maybe that has a lot to do with his being enamored of the vibrator. Alas, he was not horny enough to warrant an orgasm. I don’t know. There was just something missing. I got him close, but I wasn’t feeling it. He didn’t achieve beautiful penis status. Too bad. Maybe we can try again today. We’re going out tonight so if it doesn’t happen this afternoon, it’s not happening until tomorrow, at least. Who knows? He may actually make it till his next scheduled orgasm before he gets the last one.

I realize I’m playing with fire though. Sure, he’s horny right now. Yesterday was the fifth day so he is at the height of horniness. After day seven he sort of drops on the horniness scale. If his penis is not beautiful by tomorrow I may have to hit reset and give him an orgasm anyway. Maybe, if I have to do that, it should be a no frills orgasm. Is there such a thing? I mean no fanfare. Just a boring reset. Maybe no edging. Just right to the orgasm and be done with it. He shouldn’t enjoy a reset, should he? Yes, he’d get an orgasm which he should enjoy anyway, but if it’s a bare bones (no pun intended) orgasm then it wouldn’t be as enjoyable. I think. I don’t know. I’m making this up as I go along.

On the other hand, if I threaten a reset orgasm, he might just pull a beautiful penis out of thin air. It’s difficult to tell how Lion’s mind will deal with things like this. I’ll have to think about it for a while.