Lion had a good weekend. He might have been in pain for some of it, but that’s all part of a good weekend for him. He even told me that I might as well do away with the regular clothespins because they don’t really hurt anymore. I told him he should learn to shut up. He said he didn’t want me to waste my time with things that won’t work. Okay. You asked for it. Just remember that.

When Lion wasn’t clothespinned or in the sling, he kept a watchful eye on his calendar. Mine too, I suppose, although mine won’t likely change for a while. He’s been nervous I’ll change his date. So far, so good. Today the stars have magically aligned and, unless something big happens between now and tonight, he gets his scheduled orgasm. Even though last night he said he was enjoying the level of horniness he’s at right now. It might be a shame to end that. Just sayin’. He insists he will enjoy his orgasm and be right back to the peak of horniness in no time.

I’m not exactly sure what would make me change his date. I was not moved to change it despite the fact that he remained clothed for at least an hour after we got home yesterday. I was doing something downstairs and he was on his computer, and when I came upstairs he was not naked. I asked if there was a reason he was still in clothes. Normally he says he needs to stay in clothes because he’ll be running outside to do something, or whatever he’s doing indoors would be safer with clothes on. I allow that. I’m not going to make him run around naked when there is a need for clothes. However, he was just doing something on the computer and had no plans to go back outside. When I asked him about it he gave me a sheepish grin and said he didn’t think it mattered. Apparently 2.0 cares. Well, 1.0 cared too. He just never really tested 1.0 like this. This is dangerous territory. Why test 2.0? He’s sampled very hard swats. I wouldn’t think he’d want more of the butt-blistering punishment he now knows 2.0 will hand out.

From another blog, he got the idea of a bank for collecting infractions so I could remember how many swats to give him. I’ve never really tied a specific number to a specific offense. He won’t automatically get six swats for getting food on himself, for example. His suggestion of a penny per infraction would not necessarily equate to a swat per penny. So yesterday I got the evil idea that perhaps he should get a quarter for the most serious things. Maybe leaving his clothes on would cost him a dime, but testing 2.0 might cost him that quarter. Can I charge him twice for the same thing? Isn’t that double dipping? Fine. How about two quarters for not being naked and testing 2.0? Want to go for three quarters? (Lion did not challenge me on this issue. This is the first he’s hearing about it. But I can hear the wheels turning and I’m just proactively putting the brakes on for him. (See? I do have his best interests at heart.)

Tonight should be very interesting. Punishment night and orgasm night. The perfect storm.

Sleeping lions
We both slept well after a day of heavy lifting and Lion’s orgasm

Lion is correct. We did a lot of lifting and crawling around on the floor yesterday. All for a TV so Lion can see Wheel of Fortune from the kitchen table. Well, that’s not entirely true. I have long said I get tired of watching TV in the bedroom. I wished we could use the living room more. That prompted the “small” 32 inch TV we rarely used. With the addition of the huge screen, I’m hoping we actually spend more time in the living room. Ya know, living.

The bad part is that when it’s time to play we need to go in the bedroom anyway. Last night we were both so tired we watched some huge TV and then went into the bedroom to watch less-huge TV. I’ll need to work out the logistics of play time/TV time. It’s silly to have invested in this enormous TV only to watch while we eat, and football games when the season is almost over. I’ll work it out.

On Friday, Lion was worried about what evil thing I’d have him doing this weekend. Since he had to wear the diaper one weekend and the shock collar the next, he was worried. At that point, I hadn’t thought of anything. And we’ve been running since we got home Friday night, so I haven’t had a chance to think about it yet. And here we are, Sunday already. I guess he didn’t get his evil thing for the week. Poor thing. I’m sure I can come up with something throughout the week.

Lion assumed I wouldn’t have the energy to give him his orgasm last night. He carefully checked his calendar throughout the day to see if it changed. I wouldn’t have changed his date unless I was really feeling horrible. Mrs. Lion 2.0 takes the advice I give Lion (suck it up, Buttercup) and soldiers on. Lion got the continuation of the ruined orgasm he had the other night. And I got more of the yummy treat I got from it.

Last night, he went to sleep a tired and happy Lion.

Lion and I bought a Powerball ticket. The prize will be at least a billion dollars. We have about as much chance of winning as we have of walking on the moon, but we had some fun talking about what we’d do with all that money. We decided we wouldn’t fall into the same trap other people have fallen into. We don’t need Ferraris and Lamborghinis. We don’t need a private jet. We can fly first class, with the occasional chartered jet. We’d pay off bills and buy a reasonable house. We’d help out our kids without handing them everything on a silver platter. That’s the dream anyway.

While I was playing with Lion, however, I found a flaw in our plans. How can we be world travelers, going through security so often, with Lion wearing his cage? No, we’d have to fly exclusively on chartered jets. Of course, I could always let Lion be wild during our flights. The cage could be stowed safely in our luggage which, as billionaires, we could afford to check. And perhaps we could even have someone design a travelling cage out of plastic or carbon fiber. Would carbon fiber set off a metal detector?

And finally, since we’ll be world travelers, as I edged Lion I was thinking about the first place we’d visit. Obviously it would be New York. And as it hit 9 pm Pacific time, it occurred to me that it was already midnight in New York. What luck for Lion! That meant it was already December 11th – his scheduled orgasm date. I edged him a few more times and then gave him his New York orgasm. When he caught his breath I asked if he was confused. He admitted he was so I shared my thought process. I said he should never argue with my logic. He happily agreed.

Over the last few months, Mrs. Lion and I have been writing about improving our enforced chastity / FLR practices. We seem to be circling C2(C squared: C * C): Control and Consistency. I think that C2 applies to any long term power exchange. This was brought home to me the other night.

Wednesday night was a scheduled orgasm night for me. I was not feeling a bit horny. Mrs. Lion graciously allowed me to remain caged. She informed me that unlike her past policy, I would not get another chance for an orgasm until my next scheduled date. Before closing the door on myself, I asked when that would be. I turned out to be only six days away. I accepted the deal. In the past I had always been allowed to wait until I felt horny and then I would get the delayed orgasm.

This new policy demonstrates C2. First, it maintains Mrs. Lion’s control. Even though under the old policy, she did have the right to refuse my later request, to me at least, it felt that I was ultimately deciding when I could orgasm. Second, this is consistent enforcement of her schedule for me. I like consistency.

C2 is both a major strength of power exchange and one of the largest challenges the dominant partner faces. Consistent application of control requires work to assure that the caged male is following all of his rules and requirements. It also means that infractions must be punished.

In my case, we have been fairly relaxed about enforcement and orgasm scheduling. We’ve had frequent discussions about this but still need to do some work. Interestingly, scheduled events like play and teasing have been very consistent. We both enjoy our nearly-daily sessions. In fact, I asked that we play less often. I never thought I would ever do that. I think that bonus orgasms, at least for now, should be suspended. I like the chance to get really frustrated and horny. I also like knowing just how far we will go. Of course, Mrs. Lion can change things at any time. Just my thought.

It all comes down to the people involved. I live well in a consistent environment. I know where my boundaries are and I can get comfortable within them. Consistent discipline tells me that my lioness is watchful and cares about my behavior. This sort of regime won’t work for everyone. In fact, as we get better at it, I may find it doesn’t work all that well for me.

The only way to figure this out is to try it. Just as I learned that too much play isn’t really fun for me, we may learn that strict control and discipline doesn’t work for one or both of us. The only way to find out is to try. We’ve taken the “crawl, walk, run” approach to enforced chastity and FLR. In terms of C2 I think we have crawled enough. I don’t know how Mrs. Lion feels about starting to “walk” now, but I think it might be time.

Our changes have been directional; we decide on a path and then take a couple of steps. I tend to want to go bounding off. Mrs. Lion prefers the status quo. This may be one of those moments where I want to push C2 and Mrs. Lion has a different idea. Her idea will win of course. Stay tuned for the next chapter.