Basketball preempted Zapardy last night. And we never made it out the door to dinner either. When I attempted to play with Lion, he wasn’t really interested. The night was kind of a bust. And now today it’s raining. I’m in a funky mood. I’m just trying to look busy at work without actually doing anything.

At Lion’s request, we’re going to start maintenance swats tonight. I think it may be the only way to really jump start discipline again. I just need to do it. I don’t think it has to be as severe as actual punishment. I doesn’t have to be a lot of swats. It may not need to even happen more than once. Maybe something will click in my brain and we’ll be off and running again.

Lion wanted me to expand on his post this morning. I guess he wants my side of the story. But I think he already hit the high points. There’s really nothing for me to add. I’m not a gung ho I-need-to-change-his-behavior-for-his-own-good type of person. It makes him happy to have rules. It makes him happy (although not at that particular time) to be punished. Done deal.

From my point of view, I need to answer two questions: can I punish him and am I willing to? The first one is less about his allowing me to do it and more of a can I get myself to actually whomp him hard enough to satisfy his need for discipline? I have in the past and I’m sure I can again in the future. The second one is more of a moral dilemma. Just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Am I willing to hurt him? It takes a lot to get my head wrapped around it, but yes I’m willing to do it.

Beyond those two questions is the concept of theatrics. I don’t pretend to speak for anyone else, but I’m willing bet that most women don’t care about punishing their man. They are just very good actors. 2.0 is an actor. 2.0 likes to swat Lion. She doesn’t mind letting him know that he’s been bad and that behavior is just not tolerated. She doesn’t want any of his nonsense. He likes that.

Maybe the maintenance swats will prompt 2.0 to show up. She’s been missing for a while. Now that Lion is feeling better, we need her back.

One of the problems that Mrs. Lion faces is which of my behaviors she wants to change. One of the key principles of domestic discipline is for the disciplining wife to use punishment (and rewards) to modify her husband’s behavior. Punishments are real; painful and humiliating. They are designed to encourage her husband to change.

It isn’t that I am perfect. Mrs. Lion’s sense of fairness gets in the way of effectively helping me change. I’m thinking of interrupting as a case in point. Mrs. Lion has often expressed how much she dislikes it when I interrupt her. Surprisingly, she almost never punishes me for interrupting her. I wondered if she doesn’t even notice anymore. I asked her. She said that since she interrupts me as often as I interrupt her, it wouldn’t be fair to punish me. If she spanks me for interrupting her, she would be supporting a double standard.

I’ve been thinking about this. Is it necessary for the disciplining wife to hold herself to the same standard as her husband? Ideally, that makes great sense. But the contract between Mrs. Lion and I is that she enforces rules that will help me correct undesirable behaviors. It says nothing about her making changes. I know, that doesn’t seem fair.

It’s not about fairness. It’s about my obedience. If I know that I shouldn’t interrupt, if I do it, I am being disobedient. One thing I know for sure: consistency is necessary for me to truly change. That means there have to be consequences for any breach of a rule. Mrs. Lion has said that interrupting her really bothers her. I know this, yet I interrupt.

Persistent disobedience is a sign that the last punishment wasn’t sufficient to teach me a lesson. The obvious remedy is that the punishment for repetition might need to be more unpleasant. This hasn’t been the case with us yet. It’s also true that even if I do my best to obey, after a time there is a good chance I will “forget” and reoffend. That’s normal. A “reminder” punishment should get me back on the right track. After a number of cycles like this, I should habituate the desired behavior.

Part of this seems like a game; a sexy game. That’s what got me to suggest we do it. Even now, after I’ve learned that punishment is real, that aspect is still exciting to me.  From my reading, most men are the same. Some are even erect when punishment begins. None stay that way very long. I think the sexual motivation is a good thing. It keeps me coming back.

It’s interesting that I can be aroused and frightened of the same thing. I don’t want to be punished, but the thought of it is arousing. I guess we males are strange this way. On the other hand, Mrs. Lion isn’t turned on by any of this. Her purpose, as we agreed, is to change my behavior and teach me to obey her without question. If my sexual arousal helps, so much the better. It’s why I suggest ways she can punish me. It’s a turn on to do that.

I think it’s tough for my lioness to remember that the purpose of her rules is to teach me never to break them. Even if she constantly interrupts me, a single instance on my part is serious and needs prompt correction. Right?

I’d like to suggest reading a truly interesting post. It’s the most reasonable, realistic view of punishment and domestic discipline. I think it is well worth the time it takes to read. You can find it here.

It’s hard to put the effect of consistent discipline into words. It goes far beyond correcting behavior. I find that the inevitability of punishment a very strong, positive motivator in areas not even part of my rules. In one sense it is a form of loving attention. In another, it is a constant reminder that I’m not in charge. Many people write that enforced chastity is the ultimate form of female control. Neither of us see it that way. Up until now, it’s been more of a sexual game than a serious component of my submission.

Mrs. Lion has said she prefers it that way. That doesn’t mean I get to ejaculate when I want. It also doesn’t mean she won’t make me wait for weeks. It just means that her decision of when I get to come isn’t related to my behavior. She has never extended my wait as part of a punishment. I’m happy with this, but I am also puzzled as to why she chooses not to use such a powerful force as my desire for release to assist her in disciplining me. We’ve talked about it many times over the years and she just doesn’t want to do that.

So much of what I read suggests that she should enjoy punishing me. Some say that spanking and other punishments are amusing to the disciplinary wife. That’s not true of Mrs. Lion. She dislikes punishing me almost as much as I hate being punished. Perhaps those other women express amusement as a way to make the punishment humiliating as well as painful. I don’t know.

We’ve developed our own style of domestic discipline. Even though we have been doing it over two years, I don’t think that we have reached the severity that Mrs. Lion (in the guise of 2.0) will ultimately accomplish. I also think that ratcheting up severity for repeat offenses is something I haven’t experienced yet. I have no doubt that I will experience it in the not-too-distant future. 2.0 is very, very close.

Lion and I did minimal snuggling last night. We were both too tired to do much of anything. We were like zombies. Luckily, we both got decent sleep and woke up with a better outlook on life in general.

Tonight we’re planning on playing Zapardy! again. Lion did well last time. Only three zaps.This time he wants to be able to wager on Daily Doubles. I’ll take Composers for three zaps, Alex. He might wind up with no zaps at all. That’s fine. It’s just fun to play.

I was thinking about how lenient I was the other day when I owed Lion some swats and I allowed him to talk me out of giving them to him. Then the thought occurred to me that he may not have reminded me of punishment night on Monday. Hmmm. Have I been that lax? I guess so. That will have to change.

And it’s been a while since we’ve used any menthol rub. I think I may have to rectify that situation. Tonight might be a menthol night. At the very least it will be a play night. Lion will be happy. Maybe not at that particular moment, of course. It all depends what I do to him.

See what a few good hours of sleep can do? Even though I may have been in a worse mood last night, 2.0 was nowhere to be found. Now that I’m rested she’s knocking on the door. Poor Lion.

Here it is after midnight. I’m still not sleepy. As Mrs. Lion reported, the doctor gave me a new sleeping medicine. I tried it on Monday night and I felt horrible and still didn’t get any real sleep. Our doctor assures me that this is temporary, but then so is life. It’s a question of how much of this I can take.  I don’t have any choice, so I will do my best.

If you’ve been following our adventures for any length of time, you know I am far from graceful in my submission. If I weren’t recovering from surgery, my bottom would be burning nearly every night. It’s not that I’m defiant; I’m forgetful. I’m independent by nature and fail to put my rules front and center. I am hoping as 2.0 returns, my desire to avoid pain will help me readjust my priorities.

{6 hours later}

I got sleepy starting the post at about 1 AM. So, I went to bed and actually fell asleep until 5 AM; had to pee. I went back to sleep for another hour. This is the first time I got any significant sleep in over a month. I guess I found the right combo of drugs. I can’t wait until I can sleep without pharmaceutical help.

I’m happy to report that our blog is whole again. All 2,200 posts are back as well as our pages. Most are missing their images. I will work on restoring them over time. All show me as the author. When the restoration was performed, an author was needed, so the technicians used my name. Since it’s clear who is writing by what is said, I’m not sure I want to go through all those posts to fix that.

Everything happens at once, apparently. I’m hoping that my recovery continues and my life gets a bit easier. It’s nice that I am producing semen again. I’m surprised by how much it hit me when I had dry orgasms. I’m not sure if it’s ego or just fear of change.  This is a tough time for me. I’ve suffered worse. One thing I know for sure: Mrs. Lion and I will get through this and our love will grow stronger from the trial.