Spanking Spoon
Mrs. Lion’s travel wooden spoon is about 24 inches long and very thick and heavy. She spanks me with the back of the spoon. I can’t help but squirm with each swat.

(Sunday, August 17 2014) Friday was our ninth anniversary. We took our trailer to a great state park. As Mrs. Lion wrote, she decided to give me an orgasm a day early in celebration of our anniversary. True to her word, she unlocked me at bedtime and gave me a wonderful oral orgasm. It wasn’t all fun though. Before unlocking me, she spanked me for eating first and dropping some food. She chose a very heavy wooden spoon to do the job.

Each swat stung so much I couldn’t help squirming. Fortunately, she was in a good mood and only hit me four times. To tell the truth, Mrs. Lion never gives me many hard swats. She still can’t quite bring herself to do that. I wish she would be a bit sterner. I think the lessons would be better learned and it is a longstanding fantasy. Having said that, I know full well that when I am lying naked on the bed, I will deeply regret making this wish. That’s the punishment paradox with me. I really want more, but absolutely hate it when it happens. I guess I love to hate that pain.

Once she let me roll over, I was treated to some nice teasing and a great oral orgasm. Wow! I had been waiting five days by Friday. It was amazing! She let me stay wild all night. I particularly value that when we travel. Peeing is always something of a challenge, but in our trailer the toilet makes it messy to sit and when I stand, there is always some risk of spray or of the stream starting off target. When wild, I have much better control.

Saturday morning, when I went into the bedroom to dress, the Jail Bird base ring was waiting on the bed along with the shock collar. I got the hint and put on the ring. Mrs. Lion came in and put me in the cage. I put on the shock collar and finished dressing. I spent the day in the shock collar. Mrs. Lion didn’t use it once. Just knowing she had the remote hanging around her wrist made me very careful to be a good lion. We’ve been using the collar for some time. Even when I see Mrs. Lion pushing the button, the sensation is still a surprise. I don’t seem to have the ability to remember how the shock feels and prepare for it. I think this is because there is no aftereffect to the sensation. I feel it and then it is gone.

Last night I asked if I could be wild again. Mrs.Lion agreed. She knows how much trouble using the toilet is in the trailer. We’ve dressed for the day now (Sunday). I reminded Mrs. Lion that I am still wild. She said, “I know.” I guess I will have a wild day. When I woke up this morning I was very hard. It was nice to feel that again.

As well as letting me sleep wild, Mrs. Lion offered to give me another orgasm. I asked if we could wait a day. I know you are thinking, “Is he crazy? What caged male will turn down an orgasm?” I did.  We had a busy, tiring day and I knew I wouldn’t enjoy the orgasm as much as I would if I waited a day. Mrs. Lion agreed to wait. With any luck I will have another tonight.

I know the cage will go back on. On only two occasions have I been out of the cage for more than a day. Mrs. Lion hasn’t mentioned how long I will be waiting for my next orgasm. I have to admit I am curious. She has also not done any anal training in a while. I am sure that will resume soon too.

This weekend was all about how much we love one another and marveling that even after nine years of marriage and twelve years of being lovers that we are more deeply in love than ever. I am definitely the most lucky lion in the world.

No, he’s not sexually frustrated. Right now he’s a very allergic, non-sleeping frustrated. So last night when he asked to be wild I allowed it. Of course he was horny even though he’d had an orgasm the night before, but mostly he was uncomfortable.

I’m not worried that he’ll masturbate. I’m not worried that he’ll cheat. I’m never worried about those things. I am worried about Lion’s we’ll being. He would happily stay in the cage if I didn’t want to let him out. It’s not the cage that’s bothering him. Trying to make sure he doesn’t spray pee all over himself and the floor, on top of being a tired, itchy mess is what’s bothering him.

I may be able to help with the itching part. I can brush the dog and vacuum. No more itching may help the sleeping part. But what I could do for him immediately last night was uncage him. So I did.

When he asked me to cage him, he gave me power over his penis. My penis. I decide when it’s locked up or not. He was not topping from the bottom when he asked to be wild. It was my decision. And I decided he should be more comfortable. Last night. Tonight he may uncomfortable again, but this time it will be my doing.

This is a typical, low-cost leather chastity device. It really doesn't prevent orgasm or erection and can't be worn for more than a few hours.
This is a typical, low-cost leather chastity device. It really doesn’t prevent orgasm or erection and can’t be worn for more than a few hours.

It’s only human to want to believe what we do is becoming more mainstream. People who are just starting out with male chastity often seek validation by searching for signs that this practice is “normal”. My interest dates back to the late 1990’s when I read an article on chastity devices. There were a few websites that offered information and stories about male chastity. Several companies, usually a single person, offered chastity devices and belts. I contacted a number of them and learned that no one was making a living building these devices. Clearly, a small number of men were pursuing chastity play. Based on the stuff I could find on the Web, the vast majority of people writing about their experiences or publishing chastity fiction were unattached males who had no keyholders.

Devices tended to be expensive; averaging over $500. That price tag ruled out all but the most dedicated men. I think that the growth of the Web and search engines are responsible for growth in forced male chastity. Back in the day, there were very limited choices at any price. All devices were custom made. More interesting, virtually all of the device makers started out building a device that they could wear. Having done that, they sometimes decided to try to sell them to others. Since it is very cheap and easy to get a web site going, they would then build a site and wait for customers.

There were always off-the-shelf chastity devices. These tended to be leather belts with pouches that lock on. Obviously, they couldn’t be worn for more than a few hours at a time. There were also things like stallion guards that allowed chastity play, but not serious orgasm or erection prevention. A.L. Enterprises started out building the CB2000 by hand. It is a acrylic device that he made out of lucite tubing and rod. Unlike other devices, it came with a set of base rings and spacers that allowed this off-the-shelf device to be customized by the purchaser for a good fit. It wasn’t very secure, but it did allow men to try forced chastity for less than $200. Sales were very good and soon he could afford an injection mold that allowed for larger scale production. The CB series of devices cropped up in adult stores and in retail sex toy catalogs. Popular chastity was born.

The CB devices are still sold and are often the starter chastity device for many men. A.L. Enterprises claims it has 70% of the chastity device market. I don’t think there is a way to measure market share since there are no statistics captured on male chastity device sales from all sources. Be that as it may, The CB devices allowed couples to try chastity play. Without a doubt, most of the people trying it gave up and put the device in a drawer after a short time. Long term forced male chastity requires a commitment on the part of the male and, if he has one, his keyholder, that most people don’t want to make.

Those of us who do make that commitment and decide that the device should be worn full time, soon learn that the off-the-shelf devices don’t offer the level of comfort, ease of keeping clean,  and security we want.  We turn to custom chastity device makers to create something designed for our exact measurements. These devices are more expensive, but offer something we can wear 24/7 for life. Deciding which device to buy and what your measurements really are is a difficult problem. Many of us, including me, needed to have the device adjusted after wearing it for a while. Once it is right, wearing it is effortless.

Just by thinking about the steps I have followed to get to over six months in a cage suggests that only  a tiny fraction of the people who try this will stay with it. Some, I am sure, end up playing with chastity over a weekend every so often. But how many of us are there?

Based on my analysis of web traffic and forums/blogs, I would guess that at any given time there are less than 5,000 active 24/7 caged males. This means we are  a rare, if not endangered species. We represent a small subset of people into kinky play. One of the big reasons I wanted to start this blog is that because we are so rare, there is little opportunity to determine if what you read is useful, factual material, or the fantasies of a lonely male.

We are so rare, in fact, that mainstream people are largely completely unaware that our kink even exists. You see all sort of “whips and chain” jokes on sitcoms, and see similar material on swinging, but no one, not even the Tea Party has  noticed we exist.

Since male chastity requires a lot of communication and growth on the part of both male and keyholder, those of us who practice it, need information and two-way communication to help us learn and sustain our interest. I, for one, really value your participation here. Every post Mrs. Lion or I writes and every comment or reply you provide helps all of us build a safe and useful body of knowledge for everyone practicing or thinking about male chastity. Thank you.




Last night I think I surprised Lion by noticing that he ate before I did and he dropped some food. Normally he admits it before I realize he did it. He earned himself four swats. Since I “award” different amounts of swats each time, he’s never sure how many swats are coming or how hard they will be. I guess those four swats were especially hard because he squirmed a lot. Squirming sometimes earns him more swats, but I was just proud of myself for catching him last night so I didn’t add any.

As promised, I gave him his anniversary orgasm last night. Since it was a special occasion I don’t know if it negates his regularly scheduled orgasm for tonight. We’ll have to play that by ear. I did leave him wild for the night. He was happy to be wild.

This morning, while he was in the bathroom, I put the cock ring and the shock collar on the bed. We haven’t used the shock collar in over a month. I packed it away for one of our trips and never brought it out. He’s been talking about it lately so I decided he should wear it. Now he is safely locked in his cage and ready for a shock.

Actually he’s not ready for a shock. He never seems ready for it. So far, every time I have shocked him, even if he sees me push the button, he jumps. Sometimes he even lets out a little , “Hey!” This is why I laugh at him. Maybe if I use it enough on him I will get over the amusement value of it and be able to use it for correction.

Correction is difficult for me. I know he wants me to do it, but it’s not really in my nature to want to change his behavior. Even for things that really annoy me, like when he interrupts me. I’m not ready to set a goal for it yet, as I did for anal training. It’s just something I need to work on.