One of the key concepts behind forced chastity is sexual control. This is interesting to me because it implies that without my cage I would stray. Of course I wouldn’t. I haven’t in my entire relationship with my Lioness, and being caged doesn’t change that. However, the purpose of the cage in our case isn’t about a dalliance with a stray lioness. It’s a powerful symbol of control, at least to me. That’s the other key factor: my Lioness isn’t caging me to stake out her sexual territory; she is doing it to help me realize a fantasy/kink for female control. This fantasy and its realization are inconsistent in our marriage. My Lioness trusts me. I know she isn’t a bit worried about me prowling. I am pretty sure she doesn’t really care if I masturbate or not. So my cage is more sporting equipment than security device. We are playing a long-term sexual game.

In this game my Lioness gets to make sexual rules I must follow. She can tease me as much as she wants without release. She can ignore me sexually and watch me stew in my own juices. I get to experience the exquisite frustration of desperately wanting release but being unable to get it. My penis has always been a toy available to me anytime I want to play. It is still there, but thanks to my cage, all it is good for now is urination. I can get myself excited, but all that does is make the cage tighter and leads to no satisfaction at all. I never realized how much I enjoyed simply getting hard; feeling the weight of my hard cock hanging in front of me. I loved the sensation of gently fucking the sheet if I got an early morning erection. That doesn’t happen anymore.

This game is very much all about me. I know that. I wish my Lioness had as much fun frustrating me as I am having as the caged male. But she doesn’t. I often wonder why I like losing something I love. What is it about losing control of my toy that is so exciting? Is it that because my cock is out of reach, it is more enticing? Forbidden fruit. I don’t know.

The fact that my Lioness is willing to devote time and energy to this game is a real tribute to her love for me. I am grateful that I am so lucky. It’s ironic that the fantasy is that my mate gets pleasure and comfort by having absolute physical control over my cock, when the reality is that she never worried about letting me run wild. I am the one getting pleasure out of surrendering control.

This is the key point: forced chastity isn’t so much about my partner taking control away from me as it is about me surrendering control to her. I think that a lot of men who want to be caged would have much better luck with their partners if they approached this as something they do, not something their partners take. This is surrender, not capture.

So much conversation on the Web by people actually involved in chastity is centered around sex. It seems ironic to me that men wearing cages spend so much time talking about getting sexual satisfaction. Some of the few keyholders who contribute also talk almost exclusively about sexual activity with their caged males. I have to admit that the non-sexual stuff relating to my chastity is mostly about keeping from smelling like pee, avoiding pinching when sitting in certain chairs, and dealing with peeing sitting down. None of those topics are very interesting, even to me.

A recent post has generated some rare insights into some keyholder feelings that I, for one, didn’t really understand. Being caged sets up some very specific expectations of our keyholders. They are expected to keep us locked up, tease us, give us orgasms from time to time, and demand the sexual pleasure they want. The first three represent things they do to or for us, the last something we do for them. But there’s a problem. Our keyholders are expected to take their pleasure from us. We are not giving it to them. Being “forced” to please our keyholders is really an extension of our chastity fantasy. We have surrendered control and our keyholders have taken it.

It didn’t occur to me that having to “take” pleasure from me wouldn’t be as wonderful for my Lioness as it would be for me.  As it turns out, she really doesn’t want to do that at all. She doesn’t even want to tell me to please her. I knew some of this. We had talked about this topic a few times. I didn’t realize that her unwillingness to demand pleasure extended so much further. She really wants a very vanilla approach to lovemaking. She needs me to initiate cuddling and other pleasant romantic activities and then ease into pleasing her. There is nothing about my chastity that would prevent this. There are a few issues I have that cause me a problem.

One reason, I suspect, that forced chastity is so appealing to me is that it should relieve me of the need to initiate sex. Most of the stuff I read online (from real couples, not solo male fantasies) has the female partner being assertive about her sexual needs. The male, if he knows what’s good for him, makes sure she gets what she wants. As the initial comment to my previous post pointed out, that isn’t the case with her, and it isn’t the case with Mrs. Lion.

I can’t find any working models that fit this other case. The thing is, Mrs. Lion is right. She is locking me up because it is what I want. She is providing the teasing and orgasm control I want and need. What she isn’t doing is changing her basic sexual needs. As a result, she gives up sex for herself while continuing to please me. I can’t speak for anyone else, but this is not acceptable to me. What I imagined to be a way that we both could get what we need and have a lot of fun has turned out to be a selfish exercise for my pleasure alone. To try to fix it, I proposed scheduling Lioness pleasing. That way, I thought, she wouldn’t have to initiate or demand anything and I could feel the control the schedule imposes. Not true.

Mrs. Lion doesn’t want scheduled sex. She wants a vanilla man/woman interaction that includes me initiating affection that will escalate to full on sex. I should be able to do that without any problem, but I can’t. My Lioness has been willing to do so much to make me happy and I am saying I can’t do what she needs. That has to end. I have to change and change now.

What started as a sexually exciting adventure into forced male chastity is becoming a deeper, emotional journey for us both. I had started to wonder what I would write here. The idea of generating real-life porn by relating each sexual adventure just doesn’t fit me well. Now I am finding that living in a cage has opened some new doors. I think you may be reading more about my efforts, successful and unsuccessful to please my Lioness. I suspect that she and I are not alone in this. If this fits your life, please add your voice. If it doesn’t, don’t worry, there are lots of sexy adventures ahead if I know my Lioness.

Jail Bird chastity cage.
Jail Bird chastity cage. This isn’t the cage I am wearing. To see my penis in my cage click here.

After six long weeks, my Mature Metal Jail Bird cage has arrived. This is a custom made cage (see measuring instructions here). The fit is perfect! It is so comfortable that I am not aware it is locked on my penis.

If you are serious about forced chastity, while expensive, a custom cage is a necessity. No matter how good, the off-the-shelf cages won’t be comfortable enough for long term wear. The most problematic are the plastic cages. While inexpensive, the wide base ring (around the cock and balls) has a lot of friction with the skin. This friction makes movement painful and forces many users to constantly lubricate the area under the ring. The stainless steel ring on the Jail Bird lets my skin move under it without compromising security. Even though the inexpensive Chinese cage was comfortable, I did get some pinching and discomfort. Mrs. Lion found some red marks it caused.

If you get one of these custom cages and there are fit issues, Mature Metal will adjust it for a nominal fee to cover shipping.  If you measure carefully you can get it right on the first try. The most important measurement is the cock and ball ring. Mature Metal sells an inexpensive set of “fitting” rings. Even if you are wearing a plastic cage, you should get these rings. Don’t just try them on, wear the one you think fits best 24/7 for at least a week. You really need to wear it that long to learn if you have the right fit. To start, find one you can get your balls through and then squeeze your penis through next. If you can get one finger up to the first knuckle under the ring, it may be the right fit. Wear it for a week. Most people try to get the smallest possible ring. That is a mistake. You want the smallest ring you can comfortably spend a week wearing. It’s worth taking the time to get this right.

Next in importance is the cage length. As it says in our instructions, measure more than once. Find the shortest you are (measuring from under your cock). Then, subtract 1/4 inch from that and this is what you should order. Cage diameter is easy to get. Make sure you are completely soft an lay your penis on a ruler. You can see your correct size. You want the diameter slightly narrower than your measurement so that the cage hugs you comfortably.

Now that my penis is in its permanent home, it feels pretty good. The Chinese cage had some room for growth if i got excited. This one doesn’t. An attempted erection doesn’t hurt, but it also just makes me a bit chubbier in my cage. If you have questions, please leave a comment and you may get the answer you need.

I read a lot of comments by caged males about how their keyholders don’t meet there expectations of how their chastity should play out. They complain that their partners aren’t paying enough attention to their forced chaste state. They don’t get enough sexual teasing. Then some complain that they are properly submissive, but their partners still don’t play the way they want. There is the strident tone of being violated in these complaints. Some go so far as to say that the instant the cage is locked on, they magically become submissive.  The magic conversion to “submissive” is much more likely something that you do because you believe it is part of the experience. Let’s face it, we volunteer to get our penises locked up. Our partners did not sneak up on us while we slept and put us in cages. We volunteered. In fact, most of us had to convince our partners to do this for us.

If our keyholders get into what we asked them to do and take real control it can be a wish come true, or it could be something else, like being left alone with no acknowledgement or stimulation; just a caged cock. At that point, if the control is not to our liking, we try to negotiate for a chastity experience closer to our fantasies. In short, a bit of topping from the bottom. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all, you had something in mind when you suggested it.

The other alternative is where your keyholder locks you up out of love but has not real sexual investment in your chastity. This is my current situation. In that case, my submission is directed by me. Is that a bad thing? Not really. Mrs. Lion is doing her part and I have my weenie in a cage. It may not be my dream femdom fantasy, but it is a realization of my wish and maybe with time, it will become something she internalizes too. I really hope so. In the meantime I will continue to behave as a good boy and remain grateful for her attention and love.

We have to realize that we spent quite a while thinking and reading about forced chastity before we approached our keyholders to do this for us. I know that I remind myself daily that Mrs. Lion is only six weeks into having her husband in a cage. She needs time to process this and integrate it into her life. I am profoundly grateful that she is willing to do this for me. It was my idea. I am very happy we are living this fantasy. She deserves enormous credit for her willingness to do this for me. I have my grumpy moments when I wish she were more active and providing more stimulation. But then I realize that this isn’t my game. She has the key and she got it without any strings attached. It’s up to her to decide what happens to me. I’ll just go into a corner and growl quietly out of frustration. I’ll also think about how wonderful it is that I am in this predicament. Thank you Mrs. Lion!