lions mating

It’s been quiet here. Mrs. Lion has been helping me solve some difficult radio issues, which has taken time and energy that might have gone to sex. We’ve both had sleep problems too. So, nothing going on below my waist. Maybe that will change this weekend. We are making a one-day road trip on Saturday. That leaves tonight (Friday) and Sunday as the only possible times for activities.

I don’t know if I’m due for a spanking. Mrs. Lion hasn’t said anything about broken rules. Experience has taught me that doesn’t mean she isn’t going to paddle my bottom. She has written (“Roll the Dice“) that I’m due for an orgasm. She hasn’t said anything about spanking.  She’s also been talking a bit about riding me (reverse cowgirl position). It’s been over six years since we had vaginal sex. Mrs. Lion has no desire for orgasms, so vaginal sex is more trouble than fun for her.

I’m not complaining. Mrs. Lion has been very happy to get me off with her hands or mouth. Vaginal sex has never been critical to my enjoyment of sex.  But, I miss it. Now that I’m using Edex, and erections seem more reliable when I’m not lying on my back, maybe we can do lion-style mounting. That was the way we had sex on our first dates. Well, it was me mounting from the rear, but the target wasn’t vaginal. We had agreed to have anal sex.

Neither of us remembers why we decided that was the way we wanted to go. Our original plan was to meet for sex. How that became anal sex is unclear. Mrs. Lion enjoys anal penetration but doesn’t orgasm from it. Maybe we decided to start with backdoor visits because it was something she hadn’t done. Whatever the reason, we both had lots of fun.

If Mrs. Lion decides that we can have penetrative sex again, we can experiment with positions and orifices. Speaking of orifices, Mrs. Lion added anal play to our dice game. I have a one-in-six chance of anal penetration (my anus!) when we roll the dice. There’s a one-in-six chance of vaginal sex too. Of course, Mrs. Lion can choose to bypass the dice and do what she pleases.

I read about a new male form of birth control. It’s a gel that is rubbed into the shoulders every day. The gel contains two hormones, one of which is testosterone. The Phase 2 studies show it is effective after eight weeks. The amount of testosterone in the gel is small emough not to push the man’s overall level of the hormone outside of the normal range.

I was a little surprised to learn that testosterone alone can reduce sperm count. That seems counterintuitive to me. It really does. The second hormone, nesterone, is used in female birth control devices. It allows a lower dose of testosterone while still being effective.

This is the first practical male birth control other than condoms. It may reach the US market this year. I was interested to learn that it doesn’t stop all sperm production but reduces it to the point that conception is very unlikely. Like female birth control methods, it isn’t 100 percent effective, but does meet current medical standards.

This gel represents a proven reversible method of male birth control. The method I chose is a vasectomy, which is very difficult to reverse but much more effective than any other male method. Like the pill for women, this gel requires religious daily application. It also isn’t immediately effective. It takes eight weeks before sperm count is reduced.

Now, both sexes have non-surgical, non-mechanical, reversible methods of birth control available. I didn’t see any discussion of the side effects of the male gel. Since it is a hormone treatment, there are bound to be some.  The pill has a long list of potential issues.

Neither the pill nor the new gel protects against STDs. Condoms remain the best bet for that. Assuming a right-wing Congress doesn’t outlaw birth control, I imagine couples will have interesting conversations about who should be responsible for birth control.

We men aren’t used to paying attention to a daily routine to prevent pregnancies. We will have to become more aware of our role in birth control. Until the advent of this new gel, the most we had to do was remember to put on a condom. Our partners could remind us if we attempted to go in bareback. It’s a very different story to remember to apply the gel every single day. We aren’t used to that.

It remains to be seen when this gel becomes available and how much it will cost. I wonder how women will react to its availability. I’m not so sure that guys will be enthusiastic adopters. What do you think?

I got my orgasm on Thursday night. Mrs. Lion was in a blow job mood. I was lobbying for her to ride me or even try lion (doggy) style sex. Maybe next time. I had big fun. The weather has warmed up to a very nice 77o F. I love summer. I was out in our backyard for the first time since we moved here. It was pleasant sitting at our outdoor table.

It seems that sex and spankings come close together, a day apart usually. The spanking always comes before the sex. I’m not complaining; it’s just an observation. We haven’t played much. I suspect that Mrs. Lion is a little afraid that my Edex-produced boner is too fragile for play. I don’t think it is, but even if I can’t stay hard, the play has a lasting effect. Another shot the next day could be for sex alone. I think it’s worth experimenting.

We’re facing new challenges in our sex life. We still haven’t figured out how to integrate play into my Edex-generated boners. One possibility is to look at non-CBT BDSM activities or at least play that isn’t boner dependent. That also means I have to remember that being aroused isn’t required for BDSM. After all, in New York, when I played at parties, sex, at least orgasms, were not expected.

Most CBT works without boners, though it isn’t as much fun for me. Clothespins work well with or without an erection. Stuff like IcyHot is much more difficult to handle without arousal, but we do have the Edex. We haven’t tried using it two days in a row. I suspect that if we do, the second day will find me much more aroused. Maybe play with Edex but not orgasm one day, and  Edex with orgasm the next. Maybe even lion riding. What do you say, Mrs. Lion?

I think that a lot of people misunderstand sex, sex play, and BDSM. In an ideal world, all of those activities would arouse both partners (or more, if included). The reality is that it rarely works out that way. How many times do both partners orgasm during intercourse? I’ve been lucky enough to experience that a good percentage of the time. When Mrs. Lion rode me (cowgirl position), she would orgasm, but I wouldn’t. That’s not uncommon with that position. It’s one of the best for women but not very stimulating for the man.

Other positions got me off first. Quite a few women can’t orgasm through intercourse. They can orgasm through oral or manual stimulation. If the objective is for both (all) partners to orgasm, it’s pretty obvious that partners take turns. After Mrs. Lion had her orgasms (she liked to have several), she would either dismount and jerk me off or turn around into reverse cowgirl and let me buck until I came. We never expected that both of us would orgasm near or at the same time.

Most people know that unselfish sex requires sequential orgasms. Other activities don’t seem as well understood. Take BDSM, for example. Bottoms almost always get sexual stimulation out of the play. Many play sessions end with a happy ending for the bottom. When I was a top, I didn’t get aroused by what I was doing to the bottom. I focused on providing the best action I could. Very often, there was no sex for me. That was understood at the time.

It can get complicated in a relationship like our marriage. Mrs. Lion spanks me on a regular basis. Spanking doesn’t arouse her. As I recall, only one woman got turned on by spanking me. She considered it foreplay. She would tie me face-down, spank me until she was very aroused, then release me and have me mount her. It worked out very well for both of us. That was an exceptional situation. She said that seeing me squirm and try to get away was what really turned her on.

I always wanted Mrs. Lion to get turned on when she spanked me. I found being spanked sexually arousing. Well, no, not the actual spanking. That wasn’t any fun at all. I’m turned on thinking about getting spanked. It’s something I need. I always figure that Mrs. Lion needs a reason to spank me beyond the fact that I need it. I reasoned that if she didn’t get turned on doing it, maybe she could find it a way to balance power in the marriage or release pent-up anger. That never happens either.

I never managed to connect my own experience with topping with Mrs. Lion’s paddling me. I should. Topping, which certainly included spanking, was an exercise in pushing limits and providing the best possible experience for my bottom. I think that Mrs. Lion tries to deliver a spanking that I will remember. Sometimes (recently), she loses focus and delivers spankings that are less memorable. I admit that I’ve been grateful that she wasn’t concentrating on making me yelp for a full ten minutes. But I know that I need the more severe spankings she has taken pride in delivering.