homemade leather spanking paddle
The leather paddle I made over 20 years ago. (Click image to view larger)

Tuesday evening, after my shower, Mrs. Lion directed me to the spanking bench. It was time. My last spanking was just over two weeks before. This time, she meant business. The spanking began with the thick leather paddle I made over twenty years ago. It’s several layers of saddle leather glued and sewn together. It hurt like hell!

Things went downhill from there. Mrs. Lion switched to the bloodwood paddle with sandpaper on one side, and I was yowling. She let up a little by changing to a less painful paddle but soon resumed more painful swats. She reminded me that I had been complaining that she wasn’t severe enough. I knew I would regret that. Oh boy, did I ever! She took the full ten minutes despite my pleading and complaints.

Another surprise was waiting for me. While I was in the shower, Mrs. Lion put a strip of very scratchy coconut matting on the bed. When she finished spanking me, she instructed me to put my butt on the matting. It was very uncomfortable. The rough fibers dug into my tender, just-spanked flesh. I don’t know how long she made me stay on it. It felt like hours.

I’m writing this post on Wednesday afternoon. It hurts to sit in my desk chair. The pain is an echo of Mrs. Lion’s efforts the night before. I also remembered that during my spanking, I considered whether maybe I didn’t want to be spanked anymore. I certainly wasn’t having any fun. I know, I’m not supposed to be having fun. The truth is that this spanking was the first one in a long time that made its point. I hated it. The punishment, “dessert,” having to sit on the coconut shell mat, underlined just who was in charge.

It’s easy for me to forget that Mrs. Lion is in control. She’s very laid back and almost never asserts herself. This spanking was all her. From the moment I stepped out of the shower, she took charge. I wasn’t happy about it. I wasn’t in the mood to be spanked. Am I ever? At that moment, I  just wanted to lie in bed and watch TV. Mrs. Lion wasn’t interested in what I wanted to do. Now, a day later, I realize how good that was for me. I missed those times when my lioness reminded me who was really running the lions’ den. Even though it hurts to sit, I’m a happy camper.

lion's spanked butt
You can’t see his haircut, but here’s his spanked butt. (Click image to enlarge)

Lion wanted a haircut. He also wanted to be spanked and given an orgasm. I cut his hair just after work so he could take a shower and get all the little bits of hair washed off. He’s been itchy enough lately. We didn’t need hair to make it worse.

When he came out of the shower, I had the spanking bench all ready for him. A freshly showered tushy seems more sensitive. Of course, he offered to forego the spanking if it was too much trouble for me. Ha! He’d been whining about being spanked for days. He wasn’t getting out of it.

When I moved stuff out of the bedroom the other day, I consolidated the paddles. There are four leather ones, three wooden ones, and a lucite one with holes in it. I don’t know if the holes are to cut down on wind resistance or if they make the paddle hurt more. Either way, I know that one hurts.

I don’t remember what order I used them in, but I know I alternated between all three kinds. He was yelping right from the start. He kept telling me it was too much. If that were true, he would have used his safe word. He did not. I may have eased up for a minute, but then I went right along my merry way.

To my surprise, he didn’t bleed. Usually, the second (it seems) a wood paddle hits him, he bleeds. Maybe I was alternating enough that I fooled his skin. By the time I was done, a few seconds short of ten minutes, he was rosy with leathery patches and what looked like the beginning of a bruise. There was also one spot threatening to bleed.

To his surprise, I put a piece of coconut husk doormat on the bed for him to sit on. I haven’t done that in a very long time. I’d considered making him sit in the corner on the punishment stool, but when I found the doormat, I thought that would be better. Well, not really better for him. He agreed the stool would have been easier to handle. Sweet! [Lion — No, the stool is much worse. It’s hard and forces all my weight on the rough surface.]

By the time I got around to offering an orgasm, he didn’t want one. Was it too late? Was he sulking from being spanked? I don’t know. He wanted to snuggle, so that’s what we did. His orgasm can wait till tonight.

A spanking is moving up Mrs. Lion’s to-do list. On Saturday, the dog got her grooming and pawdicure. We picked up bagels and my new contact lens. Before dinner, Mrs. Lion approved an Edex shot, and she attempted a handjob. It wasn’t successful. As far as I can tell, her list now has just a haircut, waxing, and spanking on it. She may also plan another Edex shot and another try at sex. The probability that a spanking is coming soon is very high.

While we were driving on Saturday, we had a short talk about spanking. We talked about how long she had been spanking me: over twenty years. She said that I hadn’t broken any rules. I suggested that maybe she needed to look more closely. She replied that she didn’t need a reason to spank me. I agreed, and the conversation ended there.

There’s a little problem with “Just Because” spankings. Mrs. Lion tends to make them milder and shorter than the ones administered for a reason. This is interesting to me. She always says she spanks me because I want to be spanked. I believe her, but I think there is more to it than that. If spankings are purely because I want them, why are punishments much more severe than spankings without a reason? Also, twenty years of paddling probably needed more motivation than simply doing something I wanted. Well, maybe not.  Still…

I’m still troubled by my attraction/need to be spanked. It turns me on to think about it. I’m motivated to encourage her to make her spankings severe, but I hate them when I’m strapped to the spanking bench. I have to admit I dread punishment more than “Just Because” spankings. That may change if Mrs. Lion is more motivated when I haven’t been naughty . That could change.

waxing balls with no strip wax

Well, I don’t come with an instruction manual. Mrs. Lion lamented about that yesterday (“No Reason For Spanking“). In my defense, I would like to remind her that “Everyone knows that lions don’t have pubic hair.” I’ve been told that my entire adult life. That state has to be maintained one way or another. I’ve been subjected to laser hair removal (worked well and only left a small patch), shaving, epilator, and now waxing.

The laser treatments didn’t cover my perineum, butt, or my balls (hurt too much!). Mrs. Lion has been removing my hair for 20 years. We settled on waxing a few years ago. A treatment leaves me properly hairless and lasts at least a month before Mrs. Lion’s nose gets tickled. She’s gotten very good at it, and it takes less than an hour to get me properly hairless again. She doesn’t like the work of dragging out the massage table and waxing equipment.

Lion’s last spanking (Click image to enlarge)

The other chore she complained about was spanking. Again, everyone knows that lions need discipline. Training is best achieved with consistent application of paddles when an infraction occurs. She’s been spanking me as long as she’s been keeping me hairless. Spanking is good exercise for her. It builds shoulder and arm strength. It’s also been proven to change my behavior.

She could outsource the waxing. There are places around here that do male Brazilians. Sadly, there are no spanking parlors available to discipline me for her. She’s on her own there. Of course, there are sex workers who do BDSM for money, but I’m sure Mrs. Lion has no interest in outsourcing to one of them. If she wants to farm out her spanking, I’ll bet there are some women who would answer an ad for the opportunity to do it for her. She belongs to a local Facebook group where she could put out her request.