waxing balls with no strip wax

Well, I don’t come with an instruction manual. Mrs. Lion lamented about that yesterday (“No Reason For Spanking“). In my defense, I would like to remind her that “Everyone knows that lions don’t have pubic hair.” I’ve been told that my entire adult life. That state has to be maintained one way or another. I’ve been subjected to laser hair removal (worked well and only left a small patch), shaving, epilator, and now waxing.

The laser treatments didn’t cover my perineum, butt, or my balls (hurt too much!). Mrs. Lion has been removing my hair for 20 years. We settled on waxing a few years ago. A treatment leaves me properly hairless and lasts at least a month before Mrs. Lion’s nose gets tickled. She’s gotten very good at it, and it takes less than an hour to get me properly hairless again. She doesn’t like the work of dragging out the massage table and waxing equipment.

Lion’s last spanking (Click image to enlarge)

The other chore she complained about was spanking. Again, everyone knows that lions need discipline. Training is best achieved with consistent application of paddles when an infraction occurs. She’s been spanking me as long as she’s been keeping me hairless. Spanking is good exercise for her. It builds shoulder and arm strength. It’s also been proven to change my behavior.

She could outsource the waxing. There are places around here that do male Brazilians. Sadly, there are no spanking parlors available to discipline me for her. She’s on her own there. Of course, there are sex workers who do BDSM for money, but I’m sure Mrs. Lion has no interest in outsourcing to one of them. If she wants to farm out her spanking, I’ll bet there are some women who would answer an ad for the opportunity to do it for her. She belongs to a local Facebook group where she could put out her request.

hairbrush paddle on lion's butt
The hairbrush paddle on my butt (Click image to view larger)

Mrs. Lion has been spanking me for nearly two decades. The vast majority of them were delivered with wooden paddles. Recently, at my request, she switched to leather. I find it much easier to take a spanking, even a very hard one, that is given with one of our leather paddles. That shouldn’t be surprising. Leather stings and can sometimes bruise, but it flexes and conforms to my bottom. Wood, on the other hand, doesn’t yield at all. My flesh has to absorb the full force of each blow.

It’s not surprising that I prefer leather. I’m a little more surprised that Mrs. Lion agreed to switch. So far, I haven’t had a sore bottom the day after a leather paddle spanking. I almost always feel the aftereffects of wood for several days after a spanking. Mrs. Lion may prefer leather because there’s no blood during a spanking with leather paddles. I tend to bleed a bit when the wood is firmly applied. It isn’t serious bleeding, just some blisters the paddle creates breaking. Or a little skin cracking from the swelling produced by a firm wood spanking.

A firm wood paddle spanking will cause my skin to swell and feel leathery. There is much less swelling when Mrs. Lion uses leather. I find it a little easier to take leather. It stings less than wood. I think that Mrs. Lion has to work harder with leather. I can get numb and used to the spanking.

Once I’m strapped down to the spanking bench, I can’t move more than an inch or two. I have absolutely no control over what happens to me. Based on what I’m writing now, it seems that Mrs. Lion may be getting soft on punishing me. She hasn’t shown much interest in catching be breaking rules. Her spankings have been much less severe since we moved in February.

apanking for me instead of to me

There’s a subtle difference in the disciplinary atmosphere. In the past, Mrs. Lion used spanking to let me know I broke a rule. I realize that she spanks me because I asked her to. But in the past, she took her role to heart and made sure that I hated being spanked. Yes, I’m turned on thinking about spanking, but receiving one can be pure hell. Mrs. Lion took pride on doing a complete job of making me miserable that I sinned. Punishment was delivered the same day or the day after an infraction. If I had the msfortune of breaking two rules, my spanking lasted at least fifteen minutes instead of ten. I don’t think I’ve been spanked for a full ten minutes more than once or twice since we moved.

Her lack of focus is certainly understandable. She has a long list of things to do here. Even so, it takes about fifteen minutes to set up and deliver a spanking. It takes energy, which is in short supply. Poor Mrs. Lion has been working very hard. Still, we were both happier when she was strict with me. I know that I will regret writing this post because I truly hate being spanked with wood. I also know that we will be happier and feel closer when Mrs. Lion returns to her former, strict self.

Lion has written a lot about his need to be spanked. He’s also written about how spanking affects him with regard to rules. He almost never spills food on his shirt. When the coffee pot rule was in effect, he almost never forgot about it. Does this mean that Lion is motivated by spanking?

Of course, we know he loves thinking about spanking, whether it’s an upcoming spanking or a spanking in the past. The ghost of spanking past and the ghost of spanking future, if you will. He’s not so happy about spanking present. His fondness for the activity disappears when the spanking bench comes out. It’s understandable that actually going through the pain isn’t as much fun as thinking about it.

The problem seems to be that I have no real motivation to spank him. I know it helps him. I know he likes it. I know he needs it on a certain level. I, however, have no need or like for spanking. It’s easy for me to push it off till tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow. My sole source of motivation is making him happy. And that’s usually enough.

If we wait too long between spankings, it’s easier to forget to do it. Lion lets me slide for a while before speaking up. Actually, it’s me letting him slide. I let his forgetting to get his pills slide because one of us isn’t feeling well or it’s been a really long day or it’s too cold/hot. I say I’ll do better. I need to do better. I need to get back on a rhythm.

We’ve tried doing “Just Because” spanking. We’ve tried having me spank him on specific days. Since the move, I’ve really been slacking off in both spanking and orgasm departments. If I’m not unpacking, I’m thinking about unpacking, or putting up the curtains or the pictures, or finding a specific item that I swear I just saw in a box somewhere. I let life intrude too much.

I don’t know what the answer is, obviously. I just know I need to give him more attention, whether it’s pain or pleasure.

Adult spanking, at least the way we practice it, is a consensual activity. I asked Mrs. Lion to spank me. I’m far from alone. I haven’t discovered any consensual spanking couples who started because the spanker wanted to paddle her spouse. Disciplinary spankings are initiated by the person who is to be disciplined.

The fantasies that drive us to ask our wives to spank us are almost always the opposite. The scenario is that a wife is tired of her husband’s disregard of his duties or his disrespect for her. She gives him an ultimatum: Accept disciplinary spankings or the marriage is over. Consent is present, but she is demanding it.

As I said before, I can’t find a single real-life case when this happened. There’s a good reason it hasn’t. What wife wants to believe that her husband needs that kind of discipline? What husband is so irresponsible that he can’t sustain a marriage without being spanked? I’m sure that there are marriages where the husband is out of control. I’m also sure that the last thing his wife is considering is spanking him. She’s calling her lawyer.

Once we accept the reality that adult spanking is initiated by the person who is to be spanked, we can think about what really goes on in disciplinary marriage. Mrs.Lion and I have been in one for over ten years. She has not evolved into a benign dictator who rules my life. She has no interest in taking on that role. How many wives do?

The way it works here is that Mrs. Lion considers what she wants to enforce with her paddle. For her, the easiest are rules centered around things I need to do around the house. Other rules cover behaviors that she wants to change. She isn’t interested in making me into a different man. But since I want her to spank me, why not correct some annoying habits?

Well, that last bit is easier said than done. She has no problem spanking me if I forget a chore. It’s actually fun for her to catch me. The spanking itself isn’t necessarily fun for her to administer, but she doesn’t mind beating me. Her fun comes from catching me. She takes pride in delivering an effective spanking that properly reddens my bottom and makes me yelp.

It turns out that she has a lot of trouble punishing me for interrupting her. I don’t fully understand why that is a problem, but it is. Based on what she’s said, things get complicated in her mind when it comes to deciding to punish me for annoying her. Was it really my fault? She hates the idea of being unfair. This sort of thinking stops her almost every time. I’ve said that I don’t mind if it turns out to be unfair. I want her to spank me anyway.

We can’t seem to get past this problem. Currently, she will give me “Just Because” spankings if I’ve gone too long without earning a punishment. When she delivers a “Just Because” spanking, she almost always says that I earned it by interrupting her. It seems to me that it is a small step from “Just Because” to “You interrupted me.” It isn’t for Mrs. Lion.

I know that I’m overdue for a spanking. Mrs. Lion told me that I interrupted her and forgot to get my medicine packets (a chore she tracks). However, the spanking(s) haven’t come. There are good reasons they haven’t. Mrs. Lion has an overwhelming list of things needed here. I get it.

We are much happier when Mrs. Lion consistently enforces my rules. It may seem odd, but we feel closer and more connected when she frequently uses her paddles. I don’t want her to spank me, but I need her to do it anyway. We need to restore the balance we both love.