I told Lion the other night that he’d get a nice spanking today. One that he might need to be tied down for. As if he ever needs a reason to be tied down. That’s a treat all unto itself for him. And he wouldn’t really need to be tied down if I do the spanking correctly. But, like I said, tying him down is an added treat.

He hasn’t had a nice long play session in a while. I’ve been too busy and tired. Without my second job I can be a lioness of leisure on the weekends. That probably means Lion will get a lot more attention. Good and bad. I can also pay more attention to his mistakes which will then be added to his punishment list. Uh oh. Poor Lion. But I’m sure he’ll be happier too. He likes being the center of my attention, no matter what kind of attention it is.

I think we can both benefit from the added distraction of a long play session. There’s been too much bad stuff happening. It would be easy to get dragged down. Playing is a good way to keep us involved with each other. We are normally the center of each other’s world, but no more so than when I’m whomping on his butt or pegging him. It’s just me and my Lion. And by the end of the night he’ll receive his orgasm. He hasn’t been too horny lately. I’m sure that will change. He’s never said no after a good whomping, especially when he’s been restrained.

spanking spoon
Mrs. Lion’s wooden spoon is about 24 inches long and very thick and heavy. She spanks me with the back of the spoon. I can’t help but squirm with each swat.

Yesterday, I was extremely horny. Mrs. Lion’s tease on Sunday night had a strong effect on me. Mrs. Lion said that she would give me an extra tease and deny last night. First, she told me to roll over for spanking. She asked if there were any items on my list that needed discipline. When she asked me, I realized that there was now one: I forgot to remind her that Monday night is punishment night. So, in addition to her “practice” spanking, she had to discipline me for forgetting to remind her.

She used the large wooden spoon last night. Each swat really hurt. I squirmed away a few times. She patiently pulled me back into position and continued. This went on for some time. My bottom stung for an hour after she finished. She reminded me that I got more swats because I forgot to remind her about punishment night. I will be sure to remind her on Thursday.

A half hour later, she did a long tease and deny. She edged me over and over. At the end she used her mouth. Her last oral edging went a bit too far. I ended up with a ruined orgasm. She was genuinely sorry she did that. I wasn’t upset. That ruined orgasm reduced the tension I had been feeling.  It was my fault. I didn’t signal the oncoming orgasm soon enough. I’ll have to ask her if I should add that omission to my list for Thursday.

Over the last year of so we’ve learned a lot about enforced chastity. I thought I knew all I needed, but I was wrong. Mrs. Lion, being much smarter about these things, understood that we both needed a lot of training before we were seriously pursuing enforced chastity. I had to learn to handle the emotional roller coaster that being kept horny and unable to come causes. Mrs. Lion had to learn to harden up and try to enjoy my frustration. That is very difficult to do.

The problem is that when I asked her to lock me up, I had done lots of research and had thought about enforced chastity for over fifteen years. I figured that I was truly ready. Mrs. Lion agreed because she knew that she would make me happy by locking me up. Neither of us understood what it would really be like. We went through considerable pain and difficulty. It turned out that I need gradually increasing waits to help me learn to handle the frustration. Those same waits taught Mrs. Lion to handle me.

Based on my email and what I read on forums and other blogs, it appears that the majority of men starting out with enforced chastity expect to be where I am today. They believe the same things I did; enforced chastity is easy to do and a keyholder only had to tease and set release dates. I think that one reason so many couples quit is failure to realize that enforced chastity requires substantial training for both partners.

When I sprung domestic discipline on Mrs. Lion, she immediately realized that we both had a lot to learn if we want to succeed in our FLR (Female Led Relationship). I have to agree. There are quite a few new things for us in FLR: We both have to get used to Mrs. Lion observing and correcting my behavior; we both have to learn how to handle serious discipline; and, we have to make her authority second nature to both of us.

Each of these challenges flies in the face of our life experience. Mrs. Lion is a giver. She works hard to accommodate and make people happy. She doesn’t like being in charge and certainly doesn’t like to punish. I am a very autonomous person who is generally in charge of things. I have no real experience being submissive. I have experience being spanked, but only for fun where the sensation builds slowly and the entire experience is erotic. In the past, Mrs. Lion has punished me with a few hard swats that hurt a lot. I had a hard time accepting them and generally squirmed away after four or five.

Successful domestic discipline goes way past the level of spanking we ever tried. This video shows a reasonable domestic discipline spanking. Neither of us is prepared for that. The objective of any domestic discipline punishment is to emphasize the authority of the top and to provide a real deterrent to future misbehavior. There are many kinds of punishment other than spanking. But Mrs. Lion has selected spanking as her first method.

Last week she decided to give me a nightly spanking. Her plan is to get practice doing punishment spankings and to give me a chance to learn to take them gracefully. Her plan was to do this every day for a week. Progress has been slow. This isn’t easy for either of us. I think she might want to extend her daily sessions until we both reach a point closer to that video. I suspect I will need to be restrained for much of this. She learns much more quickly than I do.

I realize that I am in for a painful period of learning. But if FLR / domestic discipline is going to work for us, we have to take discipline to an entirely new level. Clearly, neither of us can handle the kind of spanking I need to get. In the process of learning domestic discipline, we both have to learn to be more aware of my behavior and for Mrs. Lion to begin developing a standard she wants me to meet. That will not happen quickly.

At least the process itself is familiar. We’ve had the same sort of challenges with enforced chastity. In the process of learning, we discovered significant benefits for our relationship; so many benefits, that we won’t be quitting for any reason. That’s positive feedback and suggests that if we seriously pursue FLR/domestic discipline. we may discover new benefits for our marriage.

As with enforced chastity, Mrs. Lion needs to remember and to remind me that I asked for this change. As each practice spanking gets more severe, I may need to be reminded that I asked for this and there is no backing out. Yes, Mrs. Lion, I understand and accept that. I am willing to have difficulty sitting while we learn about domestic discipline.

I know I can whomp Lion’s butt hard. I’ve done it. That’s not really in question. The part that bothers me, still, is that I am doing it as punishment. Why am I punishing him? Why am I punishing him? What right do I have to punish him? Yes, I’m still stuck on that. If I wasn’t then I think the logical thing to have done when he got mad at me the other night would have been to get out the paddle and start whacking. Instead, I just felt hurt and I was sure everything was my fault.

First of all, Lion does not want me to whomp him out of anger. If I’m ever that mad it is better for both of us for me to just walk away and come back when I’m more rational. I forget what my sons did when they were little but I remember telling them that I should spank them but if I started I wasn’t sure I would be able to stop so they should just go to their room for a while. Second, at least in this case, it was my fault. The part about ignoring him. Not the part about him not communicating. Third, why can’t I spank him for punishment? Isn’t it similar to spanking him for play? He wants the play and he wants the punishment.

It took me a long time to be comfortable with tease and deny. I thought that it was cruel. Getting my mind wrapped around punishment is just as hard. Lion says I talk a good game in my posts. Well, yeah. I feel like I’m developing a split personality. The top wants to make Lion happy. She’s able to deny him and be mean. She’s able to punish him. She laughs when Lion says his butt hurts or he’s horny. “Regular” me also wants to make Lion happy but every once in a while realizes what the top is doing and slams on the brakes. She’s not mean. She wants to make Lion breakfast on the weekends. The only thing both agree on is that they’re pretty sure they fail at making Lion really happy.

My experiment of punishing Lion every night for a week is to prove to myself I can do it. I know I can. But I have to drill it into my head that this is what he wants and I can do it. Lion wonders why I have focused on spanking as punishment. Well, he suggested it. And I have to start somewhere. Once I am more comfortable with it I may branch out into lengthening his wait, or taking away play days, or maybe something I haven’t thought of yet. Baby steps. I’ll get there.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion wrote this post at the same time I wrote mine for tomorrow. They are very similar. I think Mrs. Lion needs to continue her practice punishment until she is comfortable making it hard for me to sit. I will regret saying this, but it’s the right thing. One thing she is wrong about is making me happy. Both Mrs. Lions make me very happy with or without this stuff. I am happier than I have ever been in my life.]

Last night Lion said he wonders what our readers think of us. I’ve been wondering if we give enough clues that someone could figure out who we are. In other words, if someone who knows us read our blog, would they know it was us. It’s not like I tell everyone my hair is green (Lion would kill me) and that Lion drives a Porsche (he wishes) so if you see a green-haired woman in a Porsche you’d know it’s us.

The point is that no one knows what we do in the bedroom or our personal dungeon. No one knows that we write this blog. We could be your neighbors. We could be your aunt and uncle. Unless your neighbors or your aunt and uncle have shared these things with you, you really have no idea what goes in on their private lives. Personally, I like that anonymity. I don’t think I could get up in front of a group of people and share any of this. Many people can. I’ve been to conventions with classes and presentations. People give classes about spanking and water sports like they’re talking about baking a cake. Of course, I would be just as uncomfortable talking about baking a cake in front of people.

As women often do (men do it too so don’t feel superior) my coworkers and I complain about our significant others. If the dishes didn’t make it into the dishwasher after his midnight snack or he left his shoes in the middle of the living room rather than putting them in the closet. Inevitably one will say she doesn’t have these problems because she trained her husband well. I’m sure most of us assume she means she just, over time, nagged him into doing what she wanted him to do. I don’t think any of us expect her to say that she spanked him until he figured out that the dirty dishes belong in the dishwasher. She may very well have withheld sex, but not from a chastity point of view. She was just mad at him and telling him “no” a few nights in a row let him see the error of leaving his shoes in the living room. Of course, she could very well have spanked him. Just as I wouldn’t share that I spank Lion because he drops food, I’m sure she wouldn’t share if she spanked her husband. It’s just not something you share unless you’re sure you’re in a safe environment.

I suppose Lion took a big chance when he told me about his kinks. I could have said goodbye and have a nice life. I never would have guessed by looking at him, that he was such a pervert. He’s everything my mother warned me about. And more. And I’m glad I stuck around.

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