When Lion came out of the shower, I asked if he needed to warm up. Sometimes he’s cold after being under the hot water. He was ready to be spanked. Well, he wasn’t cold. I’m not sure he’s ever ready to be spanked.

I still don’t like the harness he has. Maybe it’s the straps I don’t like. It takes too long for him to get in it. With the old strap, he gets on the bench and I tighten the strap. This way he has to figure out which way is up and how tight it should be and then there’s the strap. I know he likes it because he said, “Boy, that really holds me so I can’t move” at least twice. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I knew he should be whomped by the paddle he created. He didn’t remember ever being swatted with it. I guess I have to use it more often so he’ll remember. I was thinking I should hit hard to make a point, but I figured I didn’t have to. I’m sure there were reasons he should be spanked but I don’t know what they are. I did set a ten minute timer, but I stopped with about a minute to go. I also didn’t hit him very hard. I threw a few hard swats in every now and then, but overall I took it easy on him.

Area where I saw blister. (Click image to view larger)

When I stopped, I noticed he had two raised spots that looked like they might bruise. I’m sure they didn’t bruise in the sense that he felt them today, but they might look nasty. I wasn’t going for bruises. I would have used a wooden paddle for that. We’ll get there.

Now he’s horny. I guess he was horny yesterday, but I’d already told him I was spanking him. Not that I can’t change my mind. But spanking helps him get horny. I won’t give him sex on the same day as a spanking unless I spank him early in the day so he can recover a bit.

Leather paddle I made over 20 years ago

Sex or a spanking are the two things Mrs. Lion knows I need. When I consider those options, my first choice is sex. In Mrs. Lion’s mind, sex is like dessert. I have to eat my peas first. That means a sore bottom comes first. We’ve never discussed this. It isn’t exactly a rule, but it’s how things work in the world where I live.

Since I know that’s how things are, if I’m horny I understand that I have to ask for that spanking if Mrs. Lion forgets or is too busy doing other things. Once that is out of the way, I have a good chance to have an orgasm later or the next day. So yes, I ask for that painful spanking. I also know that I need the paddling as much as I need the sex; maybe more. It’s how I’m wired, and there is absolutely no sense denying it.

I expect that today’s spanking will be with the paddle I made over twenty years ago. I made it to use on cute female bottoms. I’m not sure if I’ve felt it on my tender butt. [Mrs. Lion — He has.] Since spanking has become so infrequent, I’m not used to the intensity that Mrs. Lion likes to provide. She refers to it as toughening up my rear. No matter how much spanking I get, the skin does not get tougher. My brain becomes conditioned to accept the more intense pain. From my prior experience, at least weekly spankings are necessary to keep me in condition.

I’m happy to say that Our Bottoms Burn is back. The site is now safely nestled in the cloud, far away from the sex nazis at WordPress.com. Bogey, its owner, is busy getting it the way he likes it. Now he can publish pictures that show more than bottoms if he likes.

Mrs. Lion found one of our Dutch ovens so we can make beef stew. I’m excited to try out our new stove. When we moved here, we bought an induction range. Mrs. Lion says it boils water so fast that the food is done before she starts cooking. I look forward to experiencing that myself. I’m hoping that we can make a Voodoo Doughnut run soon. Now that we know that doughnuts can be safely frozen, we can stock up and dole them out slowly later.

We have been a little under the weather for the past few days. I’ve been snoozing in the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Lion has also been less than bouncy. She is still working on unpacking. We probably have at least 80 cartons still awaiting her attention. I’ve also been revising my book. I decided to take another shot at getting an agent. Being a novelist has to be one of the most frustrating jobs in the world. Why the hell did I think I could write a book and get it published? Ego and stupidity!

It’s been a while since my last spanking. Mrs. Lion is having enough trouble working and dealing with thehouse without worrying about bruising my bottom. However, on one of her expeditions into the boxes she is unpacking, she unearthed the leather paddle I made many years ago. This particular paddle isn’t very pretty, but has the potential to bruise my bottom. I made it out of three layers of full-thickness cowhide. It is what I hoped the paddle from 6-Whips would be/ I have a feeling that when Mrs. Lion feels better, she will be using her discovery on me.

Earlier in the week we did an Edex injection and Mrs. Lion used her mouth to get me off. I just couldn’t get over the top. We were going to try again on Monday night, but neither of us were up to it. I’m hoping our energy is coming back enough for us to go for the gold tonight or tomorrow.

I still owe a review of the Mature Metal waist chain and micro chastity device. I’ve been experimenting with both. They represent a departure from my usual approach to male chastity. The base ring with waist chain solves two problems that some men have: It prevents pull-out regardless of how small the cage is and provides a strong sense of control by the man wearing it.  More when testing is complete.

Spanking is probably the most popular kinky activity. Bondage is a close second. People who would recoil in horror at the thought of a BDSM party are perfectly happy spanking or being spanked. Study after study has shown that the vast majority of people have spanking dreams. How many actually do it is unknown.

I’ve been thinking about this. Adults who are spanked consensually–This lets out the religious domestic discipline people–almost always indicate that there are sexual feelings about being spanked. Died-in-the-wool domestic discipline guys occasionally admit that their sex lives improve after being spanked. When I think about Mrs. Lion spanking me, it turns me on. A small number of men maintain erections during their spankings. Many more of us are hard when the spanking begins but lose our boners once the action gets going.

Spanking turns me on; being spanked doesn’t. Is it the pain that turns me off? For a long time that was my thinking. If that were true, then CBT would make me soft too. It hurts to have clothespins applied to my cock and balls. IcyHot does not feel good on my balls, yet I stay hard through all of those painful activities. Thinking about CBT is hot, and so is thinking about being spanked. Why do I maintain a boner during CBT and lose it when being spanked?

At BDSM parties (I was the dungeon master for a large BDSM group), I’ve observed that almost all other men respond the same way as me. In over twenty years, I’ve only seen one guy who stays hard during a vigorous spanking. I haven’t seen any who get soft during CBT. In contrast, I haven’t seen many women who don’t get turned on during spankings. The female response makes more sense. Women who want to be spanked are turned on by the idea of a spanking and aroused while getting their butts beaten. Most guys who are turned on by the idea of being spanked are turned off during their beatings.

The weirdest part of this for me is that no matter how much I hate my most recent spanking, I’m still turned on thinking about being spanked. You’d think that if I hated being spanked, I wouldn’t be aroused later. Some women have theorized that this weird conflict is nature’s way of assuring that we will willingly bare our bottoms and get into position for a spanking. Maybe so. I’m turned on when I see Mrs. Lion prepare the spanking bench. I willingly mount it and let her strap me down. Once she gets going, I want to escape. Of course, I can’t. Wouldn’t you think I would learn and head for the hills next time she prepares the spanking bench? Nope. I meekly mount the bench. Maybe it really is nature’s way of assuring that I accept my spanking when Mrs. Lion wishes to give it to me. Being bigger and stronger doesn’t help if I am ineluctably drawn to accept something I will hate.

I find it even stranger that, even though I sexualize spanking, it’s effective in training me. My behavior changes if I’m consistently punished for doing something my lioness forbids. While our marriage is a partnership, I will change if she decides she wants me to change and punishes me when I don’t meet her expectations. The fact that I sexualize spanking doesn’t hurt its effectiveness as a training tool.

Most people who spank do it in the context of satisfying their partner’s request to be spanked. There is no disciplinary context. I know that Mrs. Lion has a very hard time with the idea of punishing me. She understands the value to me of a disciplinary marriage but can’t quite bring herself to punish me if I do something that annoys her. She is fine with spanking me if I fail to do a chore or break an explicit rule she has made. That’s more of a catch-and-spank game for her. It’s real punishment for me. That’s fine because it allows us to maintain spanking as part of our marriage. From my perspective, it would be much better if she also punished me for interrupting or annoying her. I would learn to avoid those behaviors.

I’ve noticed that other mammels are wired the same way. Males will almost never attack females. In researching lions, I’ve seen that a lioness will painfully bite a lion’s rump if he annoys her. He accepts the bite without retaliation. He doesn’t run away or try to intimidate her. He accepts the painful message. Sound familiar? I wonder if he sometimes gets confused by his meek accptance. It certainly confuses me. Nevertheless, next time I’m invited to mount the spanking bench, I will do so without complaint.