It was like we never did it before. Here we were, an old married couple, trying to fuck. Mrs. Lion turned around with her butt facing me. She tried to get my cock inside her. I was well lubed, but she couldn’t seem to find the right position to let me in. We never had any problems before. I suggested she turn around and ride me cowgirl style. In the past, she would start in this position and stay that way until she had her fill of orgasms. Then, she would turn around and I would have my turn.

Riding me cowgirl style worked easily. We fit perfectly. Since Mrs. Lion didn’t want an orgasm, and this position doesn’t stimulate me enough to get off, we knew we had to make reverse cowgirl work. Encouraged by my cowgirl penetration, Mrs. Lion turned around again’; still no luck. What the hell?

She moved up a bit, and I reached under. Her vagina was a tight ring. I moved my cock under it and she eased down. Nope, I couldn’t get in. I joked that Mrs. Lion was a virgin again. In reverse cowgirl, I think she is.

We gave up and Mrs. Lion used her hand to give me a happy ending. I wondered if mating lion-style (doggy style to the rest of you), would work better. There are a couple of advantages in this position. My erection is firmer if I am standing. It has to do with bloood flow and blood pressure. Since erections are generated by blood pumping into the penis, low blood pressure makes for softer erections.

Also, my ED includes weakening the internal valve that keeps blood sealed into the erect penis. When I am on my back, the blood leakes back into my body and softens my dick. Ugh! When I stand, gravity is my friend, and the blood stays where it belongs. If we do it lion-style, I am standing behind Mrs. Lion. My cock stays harder, and I can control penetration. Ironically, we stopped using this position when I had my first symptoms of ED. I would penetrate her and then get soft.

Now, with the help of Edex, the situation is reversed. It’s harder to stay erect on my back and easier when I’m standing up. We haven’t tried fucking this way in a very long time. We’ll have to see if our parts line up correctly when I’m standing behind her. If this position fails, we can try good old missionary. Neither of us were fans of fucking that way.

Even though we didn’t succeed this time, it felt very good to try. That’s the nice thing about sex over fifty; it’s less about reaching the goal post and more about feeling close to each other.

A spanking is moving up Mrs. Lion’s to-do list. On Saturday, the dog got her grooming and pawdicure. We picked up bagels and my new contact lens. Before dinner, Mrs. Lion approved an Edex shot, and she attempted a handjob. It wasn’t successful. As far as I can tell, her list now has just a haircut, waxing, and spanking on it. She may also plan another Edex shot and another try at sex. The probability that a spanking is coming soon is very high.

While we were driving on Saturday, we had a short talk about spanking. We talked about how long she had been spanking me: over twenty years. She said that I hadn’t broken any rules. I suggested that maybe she needed to look more closely. She replied that she didn’t need a reason to spank me. I agreed, and the conversation ended there.

There’s a little problem with “Just Because” spankings. Mrs. Lion tends to make them milder and shorter than the ones administered for a reason. This is interesting to me. She always says she spanks me because I want to be spanked. I believe her, but I think there is more to it than that. If spankings are purely because I want them, why are punishments much more severe than spankings without a reason? Also, twenty years of paddling probably needed more motivation than simply doing something I wanted. Well, maybe not.  Still…

I’m still troubled by my attraction/need to be spanked. It turns me on to think about it. I’m motivated to encourage her to make her spankings severe, but I hate them when I’m strapped to the spanking bench. I have to admit I dread punishment more than “Just Because” spankings. That may change if Mrs. Lion is more motivated when I haven’t been naughty . That could change.

A camping-out chaos from our recent move has replaced our routines. Mrs. Lion has been fighting a virus that has made moving difficult. She finally feels better and is back to unpacking. She just came into my office to show me a treasure she unearthed. It’s the very painful bloodwood paddle she enjoys applying to my bottom. She was smiling when she showed it to me. She said that she hasn’t found the strap that holds me down, but is confident it is going to emerge soon.

That strap does a pretty good job of holding me down. After a few minutes, it tends to slip down and needs adjustment and retightening. Being her helpful mate, I found something that might solve that problem, a heavy-duty safety harness that fastens around the waist. It has D-rings on either side. I’ve ordered cinch straps that will allow Mrs. Lion to cinch me down to the spanking bench with no chance of me moving.

She just returned to inform me that she found another box that contained more paddles and the tie-down strap. She said that there is a third box with more spanking implements. Howerver, she is happy with what she’s found. That means I won’t be.

Our move and Mrs. Lion’s treasure hunting have made it very obvious that we both want spanking to continue. In contrast, my pubic hair has been growing for over two months, and Mrs. Lion feels no urgency to set up our waxing equipment. I’m not rushing her to find it; I’m just pointing out that she made spanking a priority. Waxing is arguably less work than spanking, yet Mrs. Lion’s clear choice is the paddle.

She’s admitted that she doesn’t mind spanking me. She isn’t turned on doing it, but doesn’t mind the activity. I think that she may like spanking me. I’m not saying that it’s sexual for her; just that it’s a kind of fun. OK, I want to think that she has a good time doing it. We both know that I need her to spank me regularly. It’s how I’m wired. We also know that the game of catching me breaking a rule and then getting punished is fun for both of us.

Even after all these years, we still haven’t worked out just how often my bottom needs tanning. Calculating this is a little complicated. Maybe we need to consider how often Mrs. Lion needs to spank me. Once we both admit that spanking is more than just punishment and want it, we can approach it more comfortably. I suspect that the outcome will be much more frequent trips to the spanking bench.

I am in our new house today and  Mrs. Lion is in the old one packing boxes. I’m supervising the installation of the new stove and some needed electrical work. I miss her company. We are together almost all of the time. It feels odd being fifty miles away from my lioness.

Have you noticed that the vast majority of blogging about sex, male chastity, and spanking is written by the bottom partner? Mrs. Lion is one of the few tops who write about their experiences. Most toys are bought by bottoms too.

When you think about it, there is some solid logic behind both. Bottoms, like me, crave the special sort of contact that our kinks require. It’s been 33 days since my last spanking. I know; I hate it when I get spanked. But truth be told, I miss it when I’m not. Even weirder, I miss spanking more than sex. Go figure!

Those of us who are wired to need spanking seem to get grumpy and depressed when unswatted. One of the most in-demand sex work activities is bare-bottom spanking. Paddles, straps, and canes are far and away the most popular toys. in fact, not only BDSM or domestic discipline types buy paddles. One maker told me that most of his business was at swinger events/ Spanking is almost vanilla sex.

Over the years, I’ve read lots of rationalizations for this nearly universal kink. I suspect there isn’t any good explanation of why so many of us need our butts burned. I think it is probably physiological. There are lots of nerve endings in the tush. That’s why spankings hurt so much. Those nerve endings also deliver pleasure too. There is a very small gap between pleasure and pain.

Yeah, I need to be swatted. All of the paddles are packed away for the move. The earliest they can see the light of day is this weekend. Somehow, I’ll survive.